Version 24.2 (latest)

Configuring igMap

In This Group of Topics


The topics in this group link to topics that explain how to configure the igMap™ control’s features and map series. The first collection of topics covers features like navigation and visual appearance. While the second collection of topics relates to map series and explains how to configure a specific map provider as well as how to set up different map series supported by the igMap control.


This section contains topics covering the features of the igMap control.

  • Configuring the Map Provider (igMap):This topic shows how to configure the igMap control to use the supported map providers and their imagery sets.

  • Configuring Features (igMap):This topic is a landing page linking to the topics explaining how to configure various features of the igMap control.

  • Configuring the Map Series (igMap):This topic is a landing page linking to the topics explaining how to configure all supported map visualizations by the igMap control and how to use different background content (map providers).

Related Content


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

  • igMap Overview:This topic provides conceptual information about the igMap control including its main features, minimum requirements, and user interaction capabilities.

  • Adding an igMap:This topic is a walkthrough for adding a simple igMap control with basic features to a web page.

  • Data Binding (igMap): This topic explains how to bind the igMap control to different data sources depending on the map series visualized.


The following samples provide additional information related to this topic.

  • Map Tooltips:This sample demonstrates how to set map tooltips in a map control and bind a view model to the control.

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