Version 24.2 (latest)

Configuring the Series Highlighting (igDataChart)

Topic Overview


This topic provides information on enabling the series highlighting feature along with a listing of the supported series. This topic also explains how to configure the series highlighting using the available events.

Required background

The following topic is a prerequisite to understanding this topic:

Adding igDataChart

This topic demonstrates how to add the igDataChart™ control to a page and bind it to data.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:

Series Highlighting


This feature allows you to highlight an entire series or individual items within the series. For example, highlights the entire line in a series such as the lineSeries as it is all one shape; however, highlights can be applied to each individual column in a series such as columnSeries. Individual markers can be highlighted in all supported series.

Currently the feature only supports highlighting via the mouse.

The series highlighting feature is supported for the following series types:

  • Category Series
  • RangeCategory Series

  • Financial Price Series

  • Financial Indicators


The following screenshot is a preview of the igDataChart control with a columnSeries and the series highlighting feature enabled.


The following table summarizes the properties used for series highlighting. These properties are set on the supported series.

Property Name Property Type Description
isHighlightingEnabled boolean Enables the series highlighting feature, by default it is set to False.
highlightingTransitionDuration timeSpan Determines the duration that the highlighting change takes.


This sample demonstrates the series highlighting feature on different series types by configuring the isHighlightingEnabled and highlightingTransitionDuration series properties.

The following example shows the same functionality, applied to a financial chart.



There are two events that are specifically related to the series highlighting feature.

  • assigningCategoryStyle
  • assigningCategoryMarkerStyle

These events can be configured to achieve the following:

  • Modify the way that the highlighting is represented
  • Modify the appearance properties assigned to the entire series such as a lineSeries, or each individual item in the series for the series having individual items such as columnSeries.

When using the above series to configure the highlighting on the series, only the properties that are available on that particular series can be used. For example, overriding the fill or radiusX property of a lineSeries does not have any affect since those properties do not affect the lineSeries.

Event Arguments Properties

The following table summarizes the properties of the assigningCategoryStyleEventArgsBase.

Property Name Property Type Description
startIndex int Start index of the range of data that is currently being highlighted.
endIndex int End index of the range of the data that is currently being highlighted.
startDate dateTime Start date of the range of data that is currently being highlighted.
endDate dateTime End date of the range of data that is currently being highlighted.
getItems getCategoryItemsEventHandler Actual items from the data source being highlighted. However, if there is a lot of data and you called it every time the event was fired, will negatively impact performance.
Fill brush Overrides the default fill property of the series. However, this property only takes affect if the Fill property only affects that particular series.
stroke brush Overrides the default stroke property of the series.
opacity double Overrides the default the opacity property of the series.
highlightingInfo higlightingInfo Determine the styling of the highlighted series.
maxAllSeriesHighlightingProgress double Progress state of the highlighting of the series. Value from 0 to 1.
sumAllSeriesHighlightingProgress double Progress state of the highlighting of the series. Value from 0 to 1.
highlightingHandled bool When set to True the default highlighting does not apply.
HasDateRange bool

The following table summarizes the properties of the assigningCategoryMarkerStyleEventArgs

Property Name Property Type Description
strokeThickness double Overrides the default StrokeThickness property of the marker.
strokeDashArray doubleCollection Overrides the default StrokeDashArray property of the marker.
strokeDashCap penLineCap Overrides the default StrokeDashCap property of the marker.
radiusX double Overrides the default RadiusX property.
radiusY double Overrides the default RadiusY property.


The following example shows the usage of the assigningCategoryStyle event to change the highlighting feature to fade non highlighting columns instead of changing the highlighting column.

Related Content


The following topic provides additional information related to this topic:

  • Adding igDataChart: This topic demonstrates how to add the igDataChart control to a page and bind it to data.

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