Version 24.2 (latest)

Known Issues and Limitations (igDialog)

Known Issues and Limitations Summary

Known issues and limitations summary chart

The following table summarizes the known issues and limitations for the igDialog™ control. Detailed explanations of known issues and the possible workarounds are provided for some of the issues follow the summary table.

Workaround available
No known workaround
No known workaround, fix planned


Issue Description Status
Controls sized incorrectly when inside an igDialog and their width/height is relative Controls inside an igDialog do not have correct dimensions if their width/height is relative. This is because any embedded controls are instantiated before rendering igDialog so their dimensions cannot be calculated correctly.
Embedded iframe (including in controls like igHtmlEditor) may reload and lose content Maximizing and minimizing the igDialog can cause frame elements in the content (including in controls like the igHtmlEditor) to reload. This is caused by the dialog moving in the DOM to position itself under the body of the document. Depending on configuration, pinning can produce similar behavior.


Controls sized incorrectly when inside an igDialog and their width/ height is relative

When a visualization control is embedded inside an igDialog and the width and/or height of that embedded control is set relatively (in percentages), the embedded control does not size correctly because the dialog has not been yet created so the dimensions of the embedded control cannot be calculated correctly.

This is because the embedded control is instantiated prior to rendering the igDialog.


If using embedded controls with relative dimensions, instantiate them after the igDialog is opened.

Embedded iframe (including in controls like igHtmlEditor) may reload and lose content

This can occur during maximize/minimize operations when the element on which the igDialog is instantiated is nested in other elements and moves directly under the body in the DOM hierarchy. That causes the browser to reload <iframe>-s inside, creating extra requests or destroying content if they have no source set (as in the case with igHtmlEditor) in the process. The position of the dialog in the DOM is crucial for z-axis positioning and that requirement can't be avoided completely. Depending on the container option the same can be observed when performing pin operations.

Workaround When using <iframe> content it's advisable for the dialog to be initialized as a child of the body and z-index should be enough to bring the dialog above other UI or suitable order of competing items should be created in advance.

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