
Configuring Custom Toolbars

Topic Overview


This topic describes how to configure custom toolbars in the igHtmlEditor™.

Required background

The following topics are prerequisites to understanding this topic:

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:


Introduction to the igHtmlEditor custom toolbars

The igHtmlEditor control supports adding custom-defined toolbars. Custom toolbars are very similar to the standard toolbars. They can be visible or hidden, expanded or collapsed.

Custom toolbars currently support two types of controls:

  • Button
  • Combo

The following screenshot shows an igHtmlEditor with a custom toolbar defined. This toolbar contains a button and a combo:

Control Configuration Summary

The following table lists the configurable aspects of adding a custom button to the igHtmlEditor control. Additional details are available after the table.

Configurable aspects Details Properties
Add custom toolbar Use the customToolbars array to define a custom toolbar.
  • customToolbars
  • customToolbars.collapseButtonIcon
  • customToolbars.expandButtonIcon
  • customToolbars.items
Hide custom toolbar Use autogenerated property show <customToolbarName\>.
  • show
Collapse custom toolbar Use expanded property on the custom toolbar literal.
  • customToolbars.expanded

Add custom toolbar


In order to create a custom toolbar, you should define the customToolbars option of the igHtmlEditor. Custom toolbars have all the functionality of the standard toolbars. For example, a custom toolbar can be expanded or collapsed, visible or hidden. Currently custom toolbars can contain button and combo controls. You define these controls in the items property.

Property settings

The following table maps the desired configuration to property settings.

In order to: Use this property: And set it to:
Set the name of the toolbar name Custom defined string. For example: "myCustomToolbar".
Set the initial state of the toolbar to be expanded expanded true
Set the collapse button icon collapseButtonIcon "ui-igbutton-collapse"
Set the expand button icon expandButtonIcon "ui-igbutton-expand"
Add items to the toolbar items Array of object literals. For details on each object properties see Adding a Button to a Custom Toolbar and Adding a Combo Box to a Custom Toolbar


The screenshot below demonstrates how the igHtmlEditor looks as a result of the following settings:

Property Value
name "customToolbar"
collapseButtonIcon "ui-igbutton-collapse"
expandButtonIcon "ui-igbutton-expand"

Note: You can see that the toolbar has no controls in it. That’s because there are none defined. See Adding a Button to a Custom Toolbar and Adding a Combo Box to a Custom Toolbar sections..

The code snippet below defines a custom toolbar named "customToolbar" with no items in it.

In JavaScript:

<script type="text/javascript">
    customToolbars: [
        name: "customToolbar",
        collapseButtonIcon: "ui-igbutton-collapse",
        expandButtonIcon: "ui-igbutton-expand",
        items: [
           //define items here

Hide custom toolbar


In order to hide a custom toolbar you should use the property which is generated like this:

show< customToolbarName >

where <customToolbarName> is the name of the custom toolbar.

Property settings

The following table maps the desired configuration to property settings.

In order to: Use this property: And set it to:
Hide custom toolbar show<customToolbarName> false


The screenshot below demonstrates how the igHtmlEditor looks as a result of the following settings:

Property Value
showMyCustomToolbar false "myCustomToolbar"
collapseButtonIcon "ui-igbutton-collapse"
expandButtonIcon "ui-igbutton-expand"

Note: You cannot see the custom toolbar in the screenshot, because it is hidden.

Here is the code:

In JavaScript:

<script type="text/javascript">
    showMyCustomToolbar: false,
    customToolbars: [
        name: "myCustomToolbar",
        collapseButtonIcon: "ui-igbutton-collapse",
        expandButtonIcon: "ui-igbutton-expand"
        // toolbar definition here

Collapse custom toolbar


In order to collapse the custom toolbar you should set the expanded property to false.

Property settings

The following table maps the desired configuration to property settings.

In order to: Use this property: And set it to:
Collapse custom toolbar expanded false


The screenshot below demonstrates how the igHtmlEditor looks as a result of the following settings:

Property Value
name "customToolbar"
expanded false
collapseButtonIcon "ui-igbutton-collapse"
expandButtonIcon "ui-igbutton-expand"

Here is the code:

In JavaScript:

<script type="text/javascript">
    customToolbars: [
        name: "customToolbar",
        expanded: false,
        collapseButtonIcon: "ui-igbutton-collapse",
        expandButtonIcon: "ui-igbutton-expand",
        items: [
           //define items here

Related Content


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.


The following samples provide additional information related to this topic.

  • Custom Toolbars and Buttons: This sample demonstrates how the HtmlEditor control works as an email client. This implementation features a custom toolbar where you can add a signature to the message.

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