Version 24.2 (latest)

Styling igQRCodeBarcode

Topic Overview


This topic explains how to style the igQRCodeBarcode™ control.

Required background

The following topics are prerequisites to understanding this topic:

  • igQRCodeBarcode Overview: This topic provides conceptual information about the igQRCodeBarcode control including its main features and minimum requirements.

  • Adding igQRCodeBarcode: This is a group of topics demonstrating how to add the igQRCodeBarcode control to an HTML page and to an ASP.NET MVC application.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:


igQRCodeBarcode appearance configuration summary

The igQRCodeBarcode exposes the API for adjusting its bars' color thus allowing for achieving a unique and trendy look which can be complemented by coloring the border of the control and specifying custom border thickness.

igQRCodeBarcode appearance configuration summary chart

The following table lists the configurable appearance related aspects of the igQRCodeBarcode control.

Configurable aspect Details Properties
Color of the barcode bars You can set the color of the barcode.
Background color You can specify the color of the background area behind the bars of the barcode.
Border thickness and color You can customize the barcode’s border thickness and color.

Configuring the Appearance of the igQRCodeBarcode Control

Property settings

The following table maps the desired behavior to property settings.

In order to: Use this property: And set it to:
Configure the background color backingBrush The desired color
Configure the color of the barcode bars barBrush The desired color
Configure the border thickness backingStrokeThickness The desired value
Configure the border color backingOutline The desired color


The screenshot below demonstrates how the igQRCodeBarcode looks as a result of the following settings:

Property Value
backingBrush “yellow”
barBrush “blue”
backingStrokeThickness “5”
backingOutline “green”

Following is the code that implements this example.


    <script type="text/jscript">
        $(function () {                        
                width: "150px",
                height: "150px",
                data: "",
                backingBrush: "yellow",
                barBrush: "blue",
                backingOutline: "green"
    <div id="barcode">

Related Content


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.


The following samples provide additional information related to this topic.

  • Configuring Colors: This sample demonstrates styling the igQRCodeBarcode control by configuring the colors used in the barcode.

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