Version 24.2 (latest)

Known Issues and Limitations (igScroll)

The following table summarizes the known issues and limitations of the igScroll™ control. Detailed explanations of some of the issues and the existing workarounds are provided after the summary table.


Workaround available
No known workaround
No known workaround, fix planned

igScroll – General

Issue Description Status
When initializing igScroll on a initially hidden element scrolling does not work. When initializing the igScroll on a hidden element, after showing the element the scrollbars don't show and scrolling does not work
Keyboard Interaction don't work if the igScroll target element does not have tabIndex attribute set and is not focusable. Keyboard interactions are only available when the igScroll element is focused. If the element is not focusable (has no tabIndex attribute) no keyboard interactions can be invoked.
When two elements with igScroll instances are synced, scrolling one of the elements won't show the scrollbars on the other element. If two elements are synched via the syncedElemsH/syncedElemsV properties and both have igScroll instances initialized on them, when one is scrolled the scrollbars of the other will not be displayed.

igScroll – General

When initializing igScroll on a initially hidden element scrolling does not work.

When initializing the igScroll on a hidden element, after showing the element the scrollbars don't show and scrolling does not work.


The scrollHeight/scrollWidth options should be set to the related container height and width after the container is shown.

Related Content


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

  • igScroll - This is a group of topics containing the help content about the igScroll control.

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