
The igOlapFlatDataSource component enables multi-dimensional (OLAP-like) analysis to be performed on flat data collections. Given a data collection or an igDataSource™ instance and based on the user configuration, it extracts the necessary metadata in order to create dimensions of hierarchies and measures. The igOlapFlatDataSource component also performs calculations and aggregates data as requested using the component’s API directly or through one or more of the Ignite UI widgets capable of visualizing and interacting with OLAP data, e.g. igPivotView™ or igPivotGrid™.

Code Sample

<!doctype html>
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    <script type="text/javascript">
        var data =
                [{ "ProductCategory": "Clothing", "UnitPrice": 12.81, "SellerName": "Stanley Brooker", "Country": "Bulgaria", "City": "Plovdiv", "Date": "01/01/2012", "UnitsSold": 282 },
                { "ProductCategory": "Clothing", "UnitPrice": 49.57, "SellerName": "Elisa Longbottom", "Country": "US", "City": "New York", "Date": "01/05/2013", "UnitsSold": 296 },
                { "ProductCategory": "Bikes", "UnitPrice": 3.56, "SellerName": "Lydia Burson", "Country": "Uruguay", "City": "Ciudad de la Costa", "Date": "01/06/2011", "UnitsSold": 68 },
                { "ProductCategory": "Accessories", "UnitPrice": 85.58, "SellerName": "David Haley", "Country": "UK", "City": "London", "Date": "04/07/2012", "UnitsSold": 293 },
                { "ProductCategory": "Components", "UnitPrice": 18.13, "SellerName": "John Smith", "Country": "Japan", "City": "Yokohama", "Date": "12/08/2012", "UnitsSold": 240 },
                { "ProductCategory": "Clothing", "UnitPrice": 68.33, "SellerName": "Larry Lieb", "Country": "Uruguay", "City": "Ciudad de la Costa", "Date": "05/12/2011", "UnitsSold": 456 },
                { "ProductCategory": "Components", "UnitPrice": 16.05, "SellerName": "Walter Pang", "Country": "Bulgaria", "City": "Sofia", "Date": "02/19/2013", "UnitsSold": 492 }];
        $(function () {
            // create the OlapFlatDataSource instance
            var dataSource = new $.ig.OlapFlatDataSource({
                dataSource: data,
                metadata: {
                    cube: {
                        name: "Sales",
                        caption: "Sales",
                        measuresDimension: {
                            caption: "Measures",
                            measures: [ //for each measure, name and aggregator are required
                                    caption: "Units Sold", name: "UnitsSold",
                                    // returns a function that will be used as sum aggregatro on the 'UnitsSold property' of the data objects
                                    aggregator: $.ig.OlapUtilities.prototype.sumAggregator('UnitsSold')
                        dimensions: [ // for each dimension name and hierarchies are required
                                caption: "Seller", name: "Seller", hierarchies: [{
                                    caption: "Seller", name: "Seller", levels: [
                                            name: "AllSellers", caption: "All Sellers",
                                            memberProvider: function (item) { return "All Sellers"; }
                                            name: "SellerName", caption: "Seller",
                                            memberProvider: function (item) { return item.SellerName; }
                                caption: "Date", name: "Date", /*displayFolder: "Folder1\\Folder2",*/ hierarchies: [
                                        "Date", // the source property name
                                        ["year", "quarter", "month", "date"], // the date parts for which levels will be generated (optional)
                                        "Dates", // The name for the hierarchy (optional)
                                        "Date", // The caption for the hierarchy (optional)
                                        ["Year", "Quarter", "Month", "Day"], // the captions for the levels (optional)
                                        "All Periods") // the root level caption (optional)
                // Preload hiearhies for the rows, columns, filters and measures
                rows: "[Date].[Dates]",
                columns: "[Seller].[Seller]",
                measures: "[Measures].[UnitsSold]"
                dataSource: dataSource
    <div id="pivotView"></div>

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