This class provides a way to control how a workbook is displayed when it is viewed in Microsoft Excel.
- .objectDisplayStyle( );
- Return Type:
- ig.excel.ObjectDisplayStyle
- Return Type Description:
- The way the objects and shapes are displayed in the workbook.
Gets the way the objects and shapes are displayed in the workbook.
Exception Description ig.excel.InvalidEnumArgumentException The assigned value is not defined in the WindowOptions.objectDisplayStyle enumeration. -
- .objectDisplayStyle( value:ig.excel.ObjectDisplayStyle );
- Return Type:
- ig.excel.ObjectDisplayStyle
- Return Type Description:
- The way the objects and shapes are displayed in the workbook.
Sets the way the objects and shapes are displayed in the workbook.
- value
- Type:ig.excel.ObjectDisplayStyle
Exception Description ig.excel.InvalidEnumArgumentException The assigned value is not defined in the WindowOptions.objectDisplayStyle enumeration. -
- .reset( );
Resets the window options to their default settings.
The defaults used for each setting are the same defaults with which Microsoft Excel creates a blank workbook.
- .scrollBars( );
- Return Type:
- ig.excel.ScrollBars
- Return Type Description:
- The scroll bars shown in the workbook window.
Gets the scroll bars shown in the workbook window.
Exception Description ig.excel.InvalidEnumArgumentException The assigned value is not defined in the WindowOptions.scrollBars enumeration. Remarks
The vertical scroll bar occupies the entire height of the application if it is visible.
The horizontal scroll bar occupies the width of the application not used by the worksheet tab bar, if it is visible. Otherwise, it occupies the entire width of the application.
- .scrollBars( value:ig.excel.ScrollBars );
- Return Type:
- ig.excel.ScrollBars
- Return Type Description:
- The scroll bars shown in the workbook window.
Sets the scroll bars shown in the workbook window.
- value
- Type:ig.excel.ScrollBars
Exception Description ig.excel.InvalidEnumArgumentException The assigned value is not defined in the WindowOptions.scrollBars enumeration. Remarks
The vertical scroll bar occupies the entire height of the application if it is visible.
The horizontal scroll bar occupies the width of the application not used by the worksheet tab bar, if it is visible. Otherwise, it occupies the entire width of the application.
- .selectedWorksheet( );
- Return Type:
- ig.excel.Worksheet
- Return Type Description:
- The selected worksheet of the workbook.
Gets the selected worksheet of the workbook.
Exception Description ig.ArgumentNullException The assigned value is null and this is an instance of WorkbookWindowOptions whose associated WindowOptions.workbook has at least one Worksheet. ig.ArgumentException The assigned value does not belong to the workbook associated with this instance of WindowOptions. Remarks
If this is an instance of CustomViewWindowOptions and the SelectedWorksheet value is null, the workbook's selected worksheet will not be changed when the associated CustomView is applied.
Note: If the selected worksheet does not have its DisplayOptions.visibility set to Visible when the workbook is saved, another worksheet will be selected.
- .selectedWorksheet( value:ig.excel.Worksheet );
- Return Type:
- ig.excel.Worksheet
- Return Type Description:
- The selected worksheet of the workbook.
Sets the selected worksheet of the workbook.
- value
- Type:ig.excel.Worksheet
Exception Description ig.ArgumentNullException The assigned value is null and this is an instance of WorkbookWindowOptions whose associated WindowOptions.workbook has at least one Worksheet. ig.ArgumentException The assigned value does not belong to the workbook associated with this instance of WindowOptions. Remarks
If this is an instance of CustomViewWindowOptions and the SelectedWorksheet value is null, the workbook's selected worksheet will not be changed when the associated CustomView is applied.
Note: If the selected worksheet does not have its DisplayOptions.visibility set to Visible when the workbook is saved, another worksheet will be selected.
- .tabBarVisible( );
- Return Type:
- boolean
- Return Type Description:
- The value indicating whether the worksheet tab bar is visible.
Gets the value indicating whether the worksheet tab bar is visible.
If the value is False, the WindowOptions.tabBarWidth will not be used, but it will still be serialized with the workbook.
- .tabBarVisible( value:boolean );
- Return Type:
- boolean
- Return Type Description:
- The value indicating whether the worksheet tab bar is visible.
Sets the value indicating whether the worksheet tab bar is visible.
- value
- Type:boolean
If the value is False, the WindowOptions.tabBarWidth will not be used, but it will still be serialized with the workbook.
- .tabBarWidth( );
- Return Type:
- number
- Return Type Description:
- The width of the worksheet tab bar, expressed in 1/1000ths of the application width.
Gets the width of the worksheet tab bar, expressed in 1/1000ths of the application width.
Exception Description ig.ArgumentOutOfRangeException The value assigned is outside the valid range of 0 and 1000. Remarks
This value is only used if WindowOptions.tabBarVisible is True. Regardless of whether the tab bar is visible, the width value is always saved with the workbook.
A value of 1000 indicates the worksheet tab bar occupies the entire width of the application, while a value of 0 indicates the worksheet tab bar has no width.
All space not occupied by the worksheet tab bar will be used by the horizontal scroll bar, if it is visible.
See Also
- .tabBarWidth( value:number );
- Return Type:
- number
- Return Type Description:
- The width of the worksheet tab bar, expressed in 1/1000ths of the application width.
Sets the width of the worksheet tab bar, expressed in 1/1000ths of the application width.
- value
- Type:number
Exception Description ig.ArgumentOutOfRangeException The value assigned is outside the valid range of 0 and 1000. Remarks
This value is only used if WindowOptions.tabBarVisible is True. Regardless of whether the tab bar is visible, the width value is always saved with the workbook.
A value of 1000 indicates the worksheet tab bar occupies the entire width of the application, while a value of 0 indicates the worksheet tab bar has no width.
All space not occupied by the worksheet tab bar will be used by the horizontal scroll bar, if it is visible.
See Also