Version 24.2 (latest)

Configuring the Crosshair Layer (igDataChart)

Topic Overview


This topic provides information about the crosshair layer used for hover interactions. It describes the properties of the crosshair layer and provides an implementation example.

Required background

The following topics are prerequisites to understanding this topic:

  • Adding igDataChart: This topic demonstrates how to add the igDataChart™ control to a page and bind it to data.

  • Binding igDataChart to Data: This topic explains how to bind the igDataChart™ control to various data sources (JavaScript array, IQueryable<T>, web service).

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:


Crosshair layer overview

The crosshairLayer renders as crossing lines intersecting at the actual value of every series that they are configured to target with each series rendering a separate set of lines.

You can configure the crosshairLayer so that the layer will only display one specific series as by default they target all series on the igDataChart control. To achieve this, set the targetSeries property. For more information on this property, see the Properties section below.

By default, the color of the crosshair lines is a lighter color than the series that it is interacting with. However, this default setting can be overridden so that you can select a color that will be used for the crosshair lines. This is done by setting the brush property. For more information on this property see the Hover Interactions Property Reference (igDataChart) topic.


The following image is a preview of the igDataChart control rendered with the crosshairLayer added.


Crosshair layer properties

The following table summarizes the properties of the crosshair layer.

Property Name Property Type Description
horizontalLineVisibility visibility This property specifies if the horizontal line of the crosshair layer should be visible. If this is set to collapsed, only the vertical line will display.
verticalLineVisibilty visibility This property specifies if the vertical line of the crosshair layer should be visible. If this is set to collapsed, only the horizontal line will display.
targetSeries series This property specifies which series should have an enabled crosshair layer. It is possible to create a separate crosshair layer for each series and configure them individually.
useInterpolation bool This property specifies if the vertical crosshair should cross the series at an interpolated position between data points. Usually the crosshair layer finds the closest point in a series and ensures that the crosshairs meet at that point, however if the points are sparse then you should enable this property.
isAxisAnnotationEnabled bool This property specifies if the crosshair value will render in an annotation label in the axes.

Axis Annotations

The Crosshair Layer can display the value of the crosshair on the related axis. That is, the horizontal crosshair value shows on Y-axis and the vertical crosshair value shows on X-axis. This can be enabled by setting the isAxisAnnotationEnabled property to true.

Styling Annotations

The axis annotations can be styled with the following properties:

Property Name Property Type Description
string The background color of the annotation.
string The color of the text in the annotation.
string The color of the annotation's outline.
number The thickness of the annotation's outline.


This sample demonstrates the Crosshair Layer that provides crossing lines that meet at the actual value of every series that they are targeting. The sample options pane allows you to edit the properties of the layer, such as changing the thickness of the crosshair.

Related Content


  • Hover Interactions Overview (igDataChart): This topic provides conceptual information about the hover interactions available on the igDataChart control including the different types of hover interaction layers available.

  • Hover Interactions Property Reference (igDataChart): This topic provides information about the properties and methods that the hover interaction feature uses for highlighting, hovering and interacting with the tooltip interactions inherited from the series class.

  • Configuring the Category Highlight Layer (igDataChart): This topic provides information about the category highlight layer which is used for hover interactions. It describes the properties of the category highlight layer and provides an example of its implementation.

  • Configuring the Category Item Highlight Layer (igDataChart): This topic provides information about the category item highlight layer used for hover interactions. It describes the properties of the category item highlight layer and provides an example of its implementation.

  • Configuring the Category Tooltip Layer (igDataChart): This topic provides information about the category tooltip layer used for hover interactions. It describes the properties of the category tooltip layer and provides an example of its implementation.

  • Configuring the Item Tooltip Layer (igDataChart): This topic provides information about the item tooltip layer which is used for hover interactions. It describes the properties of the item tooltip layer and also provides an example of its implementation.


The following samples provide additional information related to this topic.

  • Hover Interactions – Category Highlight Layer: This sample demonstrates the Category Highlight Layer that targets a category axis, or all category axes in the igDataChart™ control. The sample options pane allows you to edit the properties of the Category Highlight Layer, such as changing the color of the highlight, outline, thickness and more.

  • Hover Interactions – Category Item Highlight Layer: This sample demonstrates the Category Item Highlight Layer that highlights items in a series that use a category axis either by drawing a banded shape at their position or by rendering a marker at their position.The sample options pane allows you to edit the properties of the Category Item Highlight Layer, such as changing the color of the highlight, outline, thickness and more.

  • Hover Interactions – Category Tooltip Layer: This sample demonstrates the Category Tooltip Layer that displays grouped tooltips for series that use a category axis. The sample options pane allows you to edit the properties of the layer, such as changing the position of the tooltip.

  • Hover Interactions – Item Tooltip Layer: This sample demonstrates the Item Tooltip Layer that displays tooltips for all target series individually. The sample options pane allows you to edit the properties of the layer, such as changing the transition duration.

  • Hover Interactions – Multiple Layers: This sample demonstrates how multiple layers interact within the igDataChart control. This sample displays the Item Tooltip Layer, the Crosshair layer and the Category Highlight Layer.

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