
Configuring the Column Chooser (igGrid)

Topic Overview


This topic demonstrates how to use the igGrid™ control’s Hiding Column Chooser.

Required background

The following table lists the topics required as a prerequisite to understanding this topic.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:


Introduction to the igGridHiding Column Chooser

This topic demonstrates how to work with the igGrid Hiding dialog also known as Column Chooser. You can activate the Columns Chooser window in two different ways. The first way is to select Column Chooser list item from the igGrid Feature Chooser advanced section and second on is to press Column Chooser button from the hidden column context menu.

Dialog Window states

The following table summarizes the states of the Hiding Column Chooser Window. The window has two states as defined by the value of the option columnChooserHideOnClick (default value is false). If set to true, then the columns will hide immediately on click of the column name in the Column Chooser.

Additional details are available after the summary table.

State columnChooserHideOnClick Description
Hide multiple columns at once false Multiple columns are selected from the column chooser window and columns are hidden when the changes are applied in the window.
Hide column on click true Columns are immediately hidden by selecting a column from the column chooser window.

Hide multiple columns at once

By default the property columnChooserHideOnClick is set to false. This means that you must select which columns to show or hide and then apply the changes to the grid.

Use the following buttons:

  1. Show - to show the column( the whole row is clickable)
  2. Hide – to hide the column( the whole row is clickable)
  3. Apply – to apply the columns you want to show/hide
  4. Cancel – to close the Column Chooser and don’t apply any changes
  5. Reset – to return the default state of all the columns, like they were when the modal dialog was opened.
  6. ESC (key) – close the modal dialog

Hide columns on click

When the property columnChooserHideOnClick is set to true then when you click on a Show or Hide button the selected action will take effect immediately to a column.

To close the window use the button at the top right or press the ESC key.

Use the following buttons:

  1. Show – to immediately show the column( the whole row is clickable)
  2. Hide – to immediately hide the column( the whole row is clickable)
  3. Close button – close the modal dialog
  4. ESC (key) – close the modal dialog

Property Reference

This section explains igGrid control’s Hiding properties that affect Column Chooser.

The following table shows the igGrid control’s Hiding properties that are responsible for the configuration of the Column Chooser.

Property Description
columnChooserHideOnClick Specifies whether the grid will show or hide a column when the column name is clicked in the column chooser.
columnChooserWidth The default column chooser width in pixels.
columnChooserHeight The default column chooser height in pixels
columnChooserAnimationDuration Specifies time in milliseconds for the animation duration to show or hide Column Chooser
columnChooserCaptionText The caption of the column chooser dialog.
columnChooserDisplayText The text used in the drop down tools menu (Feature Chooser) to launch the column chooser dialog.
hiddenColumnIndicatorTooltipText The text displayed in the tooltip of the hidden column indicator.
columnHideText The text used in the drop down tools menu (Feature Chooser) to hide a column.
columnChooserShowText The text used in the column chooser to show a column.
columnChooserHideText The text used in the column chooser to hide a column.
columnChooserResetButtonLabel Text label for reset button.
columnChooserButtonApplyText Specifies text of button which applies changes in modal dialog.
columnChooserButtonCancelText Specifies text of button which cancels changes in modal dialog.

Method Reference

This section explains igGrid control’s Hiding methods that affect Column Chooser.

The following table shows the igGrid control’s Hiding methods exposed by the Column Chooser API.

Method Description
showColumnChooser Shows the Column Chooser dialog. If it is visible the method does nothing.
hideColumnChooser Hides the Column Chooser dialog. If it is not visible the method does nothing.
resetHidingColumnChooser Reset hidden/shown column to initial state of dialog (when it is opened)
removeColumnChooserResetButton Remove Reset button in column chooser modal dialog

Event Reference

This section explains igGrid control’s Hiding events raised by the Modal Windows.

The following table shows the igGrid Hiding events that are fired during user interaction with the Column Chooser.

Event Description
columnChooserOpening Event fired before the column chooser is opened.
columnChooserOpened Event fired after the column chooser opens.
columnChooserMoving Event fired every time the column chooser changes its position.
columnChooserClosing Event fired before the column chooser is closed.
columnChooserClosed Event fired after the column chooser is closed.
columnChooserContentsRendering Event fired before the contents of the column chooser are rendered.
columnChooserContentsRendered Event fired after the contents of the column chooser are rendered.
columnChooserButtonApplyClick Event fired when Reset button in column chooser is clicked
columnChooserButtonResetClick Event fired when Reset button in column chooser is clicked

Related Content


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The following sample provides additional information related to this topic.

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