
Represents a filter which can filter dates in a specific period.


This filter allows dates to be filtered in if they are in a specific month or quarter of any year.


The current widget has no options.
The current widget has no events.
  • type

    .type( );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    Month to filter in dates in a specific month of any year; Quarter to filter in dates in a specific quarter of any year.

    Gets the type of date period to filter in.


    Exception Description
    ig.excel.InvalidEnumArgumentException The value assigned is not defined in the DatePeriodFilterType enumeration.
    ig.ArgumentException The value assigned is Quarter and the DatePeriodFilter.value is less than 1 or greater than 4 or the value assigned is Month and the Value is less than 1 or greater than 12.
  • type

    .type( value:ig.excel.DatePeriodFilterType );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    Month to filter in dates in a specific month of any year; Quarter to filter in dates in a specific quarter of any year.

    Sets the type of date period to filter in.

    • value
    • Type:ig.excel.DatePeriodFilterType


    Exception Description
    ig.excel.InvalidEnumArgumentException The value assigned is not defined in the DatePeriodFilterType enumeration.
    ig.ArgumentException The value assigned is Quarter and the DatePeriodFilter.value is less than 1 or greater than 4 or the value assigned is Month and the Value is less than 1 or greater than 12.
  • value

    .value( );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The 1-based value of the month or quarter to filter in.

    Gets the 1-based value of the month or quarter to filter in.


    Exception Description
    ig.ArgumentException DatePeriodFilter.type is Quarter and the value assigned is less than 1 or greater than 4 or Type is Month and the value assigned is less than 1 or greater than 12.


    If the DatePeriodFilter.type is Month, a Value of 1 indicates January, 2 indicates February, and so on. If Type is Quarter, a Value of 1 indicates Quarter 1, and so on.

  • value

    .value( value:number );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The 1-based value of the month or quarter to filter in.

    Sets the 1-based value of the month or quarter to filter in.

    • value
    • Type:number


    Exception Description
    ig.ArgumentException DatePeriodFilter.type is Quarter and the value assigned is less than 1 or greater than 4 or Type is Month and the value assigned is less than 1 or greater than 12.


    If the DatePeriodFilter.type is Month, a Value of 1 indicates January, 2 indicates February, and so on. If Type is Quarter, a Value of 1 indicates Quarter 1, and so on.

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