
Represents an error value in Microsoft Excel.


The current widget has no options.
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  • argumentOrFunctionNotAvailable

    .argumentOrFunctionNotAvailable( );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The ErrorValue representing the #N/A error.

    Gets the ErrorValue representing the #N/A error.


    This error occurs when a value isn't available for some part of a formula.

  • circularity

    .circularity( );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The ErrorValue representing a circularity error.

    Gets the ErrorValue representing a circularity error.


    There is no error constant for a circularity in Microsoft Excel and a circularity cannot be the result of a formula in Microsoft Excel. However, for run-time purposes, after loading or before saving a workbook, this error value will be used for the result of formulas which cause circular references when the owning workbook has Workbook.iterativeCalculationsEnabled set to False.

    In Microsoft Excel, setting a circular reference formula on a cell will show an error dialog the first time the problem occurs. Subsequent formulas violating the circular reference restriction will just evaluate to zero. Therefore, when this value is encountered in a cell, it can be treated as a zero for calculation purposes. This error value will be returned though so an actual zero value in a cell can be differentiated from a circularity error.

    Note: Because there is no circularity error constant in Microsoft Excel, this error value cannot be assigned to a cell manually. Attempting to assign this error value to a cell will result in an InvalidOperationException to be thrown. This error value will only be valid as the result of a formula which has been applied to a cell.

  • divisionByZero

    .divisionByZero( );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The ErrorValue representing the #DIV/0! error.

    Gets the ErrorValue representing the #DIV/0! error.


    This error occurs when a number is divided by zero.

  • emptyCellRangeIntersection

    .emptyCellRangeIntersection( );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The ErrorValue representing the #NULL! error.

    Gets the ErrorValue representing the #NULL! error.


    This error occurs when there is an intersection of two references that do not contain any common cells. The intersection operator is a space between two references.

  • invalidCellReference

    .invalidCellReference( );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The ErrorValue representing the #REF! error.

    Gets the ErrorValue representing the #REF! error.


    This error occurs when a cell reference or cell range reference is not valid.

  • toString

    .toString( );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The string representation of the error value.

    Gets the string representation of the error value.

  • valueRangeOverflow

    .valueRangeOverflow( );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The ErrorValue representing the #NUM! error.

    Gets the ErrorValue representing the #NUM! error.


    This error occurs when there are invalid numeric values in a formula.

  • wrongFunctionName

    .wrongFunctionName( );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The ErrorValue representing the #NAME? error.

    Gets the ErrorValue representing the #NAME? error.


    This error occurs when text in a formula is not recognized.

  • wrongOperandType

    .wrongOperandType( );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The ErrorValue representing the #VALUE! error.

    Gets the ErrorValue representing the #VALUE! error.


    This error occurs when an incorrect argument or operand is used in a function.

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