
Stack of ExcelCalcValue instances used to evaluate formulas.


The number stack is used for evaluating formulas. When formulas are compiled, the formula tokens are placed in a collection in post-fix, or Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) format. RPN format arranges the formula token list so each sub-expressions's terms are placed before their operator, and sub-expressions are ordered to enforce correct operator precedence. This format allows the formula evaluate method to loop through the formula token collection front to back pushing an operator's terms onto the number stack until an operator is reached. Each time an operator is reached, it's subexpression is computed and resulting value pushed onto the number stack. Once the end of the end of the formula collection is reached, the formulas calculated value is at the top of the number stack.


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  • ig.excel.ExcelCalcNumberStack

    new $.ig.excel.ExcelCalcNumberStack( );

    Initializes a new ExcelCalcNumberStack

  • clear

    .clear( );

    Remove all values from number stack.

  • count

    .count( );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    Number of stack values

    Return the number of values on number stack

  • owningCell

    .owningCell( );

    Gets the WorksheetCell instance whose formula is currently being solved.

  • peek

    .peek( );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    <a href="ig.excel.ExcelCalcValue.html">ExcelCalcValue</a> that is at the top of the number stack.

    Return value off top of the number stack.

  • pop

    .pop( );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    <a href="ig.excel.ExcelCalcValue.html">ExcelCalcValue</a> that was at the top of the number stack.

    Pop value off top of the number stack.

  • push

    .push( value:ig.excel.ExcelCalcValue );

    Push a value onto number stack.

    • value
    • Type:ig.excel.ExcelCalcValue
    • Value to push onto the number stack
  • reset

    .reset( elements:number );

    Clear elements off top of number stack until it contains given number of elements

    • elements
    • Type:number
    • Denotes the desired stack level

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