
A collection of WorksheetDataTable instances on a worksheet.


The current widget has no options.
The current widget has no events.
  • add

    .add( cellsInTable:ig.excel.WorksheetRegion, columnInputCell:ig.excel.WorksheetCell, rowInputCell:ig.excel.WorksheetCell );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The newly created data table.

    Creates a new data table and adds it to the collection.

    • cellsInTable
    • Type:ig.excel.WorksheetRegion
    • The region of cells in the data table.
    • columnInputCell
    • Type:ig.excel.WorksheetCell
    • The cell used as the column-input cell in the data table.
    • rowInputCell
    • Type:ig.excel.WorksheetCell
    • The cell used as the row-input cell in the data table.


    Exception Description
    ig.ArgumentNullException cellsInTable is null.
    ig.ArgumentException cellsInTable is a region which does not belongs to the worksheet which owns this collection.
    ig.ArgumentException columnInputCell is not null but does not belong to the worksheet which owns this collection.
    ig.ArgumentException rowInputCell is not null but does not belong to the worksheet which owns this collection.
    ig.InvalidOperationException Both columnInputCell and rowInputCell are null.
    ig.InvalidOperationException columnInputCell and rowInputCell are the same cell.
    ig.InvalidOperationException columnInputCell or rowInputCell are contained in the cellsInTable region.
    ig.InvalidOperationException One or more of the interior cells of the cellsInTable region (all cells except the left-most column and top row) is an interior cell of another data table or is a cell in an array formula, and the entire range of that other entity extends outside the interior cells of cellsInTable.


    The input cells specified must be different cell references and at least one must be non-null. See the WorksheetDataTable overview for more information on data tables.

  • clear

    .clear( );

    Clears all data tables from the collection.


    Once a data table is removed from the collection, it can no longer be used.

  • count

    .count( );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The number of data tables in the collection.

    Gets the number of data tables in the collection.

  • item

    .item( index:number );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The data table at the specified index.

    Gets the data table at the specified index in the collection.

    • index
    • Type:number
    • The zero-based index of the data table to get.
  • remove

    .remove( dataTable:ig.excel.WorksheetDataTable );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    True if the dataTable was successfully removed; False if the dataTable was not in the collection.

    Removes the specified data table from the collection.

    • dataTable
    • Type:ig.excel.WorksheetDataTable
    • The data table to remove from the collection.


    Once a data table is removed from the collection, it can no longer be used.

  • removeAt

    .removeAt( index:number );

    Removes the data table at the specified index from the collection.

    • index
    • Type:number
    • The zero-based index of the data table to remove from the collection.


    Once a data table is removed from the collection, it can no longer be used.

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