This collection is used to apply chart-specific properties to Series which appear within a combo chart.
- .add( chartType:ig.excel.ChartType, axisGroup:ig.excel.AxisGroup );
- Return Type:
- ig.excel.ComboChartGroup
- Return Type Description:
- A new or existing ComboChartGroup instance.
Creates a new ComboChartGroup, or returns an existing one, which matches the specified chartType and axisGroup.
Exception Description ig.Error The specified chartType is not supported within a combo chart. See documentation for the WorksheetChart.SetComboChartSourceData method for a list of supported chart types. Remarks
This method returns an object which provides a way to set chart-specific properties for a Series that is displayed within a combo chart.
For example, to change the WorksheetChart.gapWidth property for each series associated with a bar chart contained within a combo chart, set the ComboChartGroup.gapWidth property of the instance returned from this method.
If a ComboChartGroup instance corresponding to the specified chartType and axisGroup already exists, that instance is returned; otherwise a new instance is created and that instance is returned.
See Also
Inherited- .chart( );
- Return Type:
- ig.excel.WorksheetChart
- Return Type Description:
- Returns a WorksheetChart.
Returns the owning chart (read-only)
- .clear( );
Clears the collection.
- .count( );
Returns the number of items in the collection (read-only)
- .getEnumerator( );
Gets an enumerator for the items in the collection
- .isReadOnly( );
Determines if the collecion can be modified (read-only)
- .item( chartType:ig.excel.ChartType, axisGroup:ig.excel.AxisGroup );
- Return Type:
- ig.excel.ComboChartGroup
- Return Type Description:
- A new or existing ComboChartGroup instance.
Returns the ComboChartGroup instance associated with the specified chartType and axisGroup, or null if no such instance exists.
Inherited- .owner( );
- Return Type:
- ig.excel.ChartObject
- Return Type Description:
- The owner or null if this object is owned directly by the Chart
returns this object's owner. (read-only)
- .remove( chartType:ig.excel.ChartType, axisGroup:ig.excel.AxisGroup );
- Return Type:
- boolean
- Return Type Description:
- True if the item was removed, otherwise false.
Removes the specified ComboChartGroup from this collection.
See Also
- .remove( comboChartGroup:ig.excel.ComboChartGroup );
- Return Type:
- boolean
- Return Type Description:
- True if the item was removed, otherwise false.
Removes the specified ComboChartGroup from this collection.
- comboChartGroup
- Type:ig.excel.ComboChartGroup
- The ComboChartGroup instance to be removed.
See Also
Inherited- .sheet( );
- Return Type:
- ig.excel.Sheet
- Return Type Description:
- Returns a Sheet.
Gets the owning sheet (read-only)
See Also
Inherited- .workbook( );
- Return Type:
- ig.excel.Workbook
- Return Type Description:
- Returns a Workbook.
Gets the owning workbook (read-only)
See Also
Inherited- .worksheet( );
- Return Type:
- ig.excel.Worksheet
- Return Type Description:
- Returns a Worksheet.
Gets the owning worksheet (read-only)
See Also