A collection of WorksheetShape instances in a WorksheetShapeCollection.worksheet
or WorksheetShapeGroup.
The current widget has no options.
The current widget has no events.
- .add( shapeType:ig.excel.PredefinedShapeType, sheet:ig.excel.Sheet, boundsInTwips:object );
- Return Type:
- ig.excel.WorksheetShape
- Return Type Description:
- A WorksheetShape-derived instance representing the predefined shape.
Adds a predefined shape to the collection with the specified bounds.
- shapeType
- Type:ig.excel.PredefinedShapeType
- The type of shape to add to the collection.
- sheet
- Type:ig.excel.Sheet
- The WorksheetShapeCollection.sheet to which the boundsInTwips relate.
- boundsInTwips
- Type:object
- The bounds of the shape on the sheet in twips (1/20th of a point). This can be an object with numeric values for properties 'x', 'y', 'width', and 'height' or 'left', 'top', 'right', and 'bottom' such as { x: 1, y: 2, width: 100, height: 200 }.
Exception Description ig.ArgumentNullException sheet is null. ig.excel.InvalidEnumArgumentException shapeType is not defined in the PredefinedShapeType enumeration. -
- .add( shapeType:ig.excel.PredefinedShapeType, topLeftCornerCell:ig.excel.WorksheetCell, topLeftCornerPosition:object, bottomRightCornerCell:ig.excel.WorksheetCell, bottomRightCornerPosition:object );
- Return Type:
- ig.excel.WorksheetShape
- Return Type Description:
- A WorksheetShape-derived instance representing the predefined shape.
Adds a predefined shape to the collection with the specified anchors.
- shapeType
- Type:ig.excel.PredefinedShapeType
- The type of shape to add to the collection.
- topLeftCornerCell
- Type:ig.excel.WorksheetCell
- The cell where the top-left corner of the shape resides.
- topLeftCornerPosition
- Type:object
- The position in the topLeftCornerCell of the shape's top-left corner, expressed in percentages. This can be an object with numeric values for properties 'x' and 'y', such as { x: 1, y: 2 }.
- bottomRightCornerCell
- Type:ig.excel.WorksheetCell
- The cell where the bottom-right corner of the shape resides.
- bottomRightCornerPosition
- Type:object
- the position in the bottomRightCornerCell of the shape's bottom-right corner, expressed in percentages. This can be an object with numeric values for properties 'x' and 'y', such as { x: 1, y: 2 }.
Exception Description ig.excel.InvalidEnumArgumentException shapeType is not defined in the PredefinedShapeType enumeration. ig.InvalidOperationException topLeftCornerCell or bottomRightCornerCell is null. ig.InvalidOperationException topLeftCornerCell and bottomRightCornerCell belong to different worksheets or a worksheet other than the worksheet to which this collection belongs. -
- .add( shapeType:ig.excel.PredefinedShapeType, boundsInTwips:object );
- Return Type:
- ig.excel.WorksheetShape
- Return Type Description:
- A WorksheetShape-derived instance representing the predefined shape.
Adds a predefined shape to the collection with the specified bounds.
- shapeType
- Type:ig.excel.PredefinedShapeType
- The type of shape to add to the collection.
- boundsInTwips
- Type:object
- The bounds of the shape on the Worksheet in twips (1/20th of a point). This can be an object with numeric values for properties 'x', 'y', 'width', and 'height' or 'left', 'top', 'right', and 'bottom' such as { x: 1, y: 2, width: 100, height: 200 }.
Exception Description ig.InvalidOperationException This shapes collection belongs to a WorksheetShapeGroup which isn't placed on a Worksheet yet. In this case, call WorksheetShapeCollection.add instead and specify the Worksheet where the group will be added. ig.excel.InvalidEnumArgumentException shapeType is not defined in the PredefinedShapeType enumeration. -
- .add( shape:ig.excel.WorksheetShape );
Adds a shape to the collection.
- shape
- Type:ig.excel.WorksheetShape
- The shape to add to the collection.
Exception Description ig.ArgumentNullException shape is null. ig.InvalidOperationException shape has already been added to a worksheet or group. ig.InvalidOperationException shape does not have the WorksheetShape.topLeftCornerCell or WorksheetShape.bottomRightCornerCell set. ig.InvalidOperationException Adding shape to this collection will place it on a different worksheet then either its TopLeftCornerCell or BottomRightCornerCell or shape is a WorksheetShapeGroup and adding it to this collection will create a similar situation for one of its descendant shapes. ig.InvalidOperationException shape is a WorksheetShapeGroup and this is the group's collection of shapes. See Also
- .addChart( chartType:ig.excel.ChartType, sheet:ig.excel.Sheet, boundsInTwips:object, [chartInitializer:function] );
- Return Type:
- ig.excel.WorksheetChart
- Return Type Description:
- A WorksheetChart-instance.
Adds a chart to the collection with the specified bounds.
- chartType
- Type:ig.excel.ChartType
- The type of chart to add to the collection.
- sheet
- Type:ig.excel.Sheet
- The WorksheetShapeCollection.sheet to which the boundsInTwips relate.
- boundsInTwips
- Type:object
- The bounds of the shape on the sheet in twips (1/20th of a point). This can be an object with numeric values for properties 'x', 'y', 'width', and 'height' or 'left', 'top', 'right', and 'bottom' such as { x: 1, y: 2, width: 100, height: 200 }.
- chartInitializer
- Type:function
- Optional
Exception Description ig.ArgumentNullException if sheet is null. ig.excel.InvalidEnumArgumentException chartType is not defined in the ChartType enumeration. ig.InvalidOperationException if a chart is being added to the Shapes collection of another Chart is null. ig.InvalidOperationException if a Workbook.CurrentFormat doesn't support Chart mofications, e.g. 'Excel97To2003' or 'Excel97To2003Template'. -
- .addChart( chartType:ig.excel.ChartType, topLeftCornerCell:ig.excel.WorksheetCell, topLeftCornerPosition:object, bottomRightCornerCell:ig.excel.WorksheetCell, bottomRightCornerPosition:object, [chartInitializer:function] );
- Return Type:
- ig.excel.WorksheetChart
- Return Type Description:
- A WorksheetChart-instance.
Adds a chart to the collection with the specified bounds.
- chartType
- Type:ig.excel.ChartType
- The type of chart to add to the collection.
- topLeftCornerCell
- Type:ig.excel.WorksheetCell
- The cell where the top-left corner of the shape resides.
- topLeftCornerPosition
- Type:object
- The position in the topLeftCornerCell of the shape's top-left corner, expressed in percentages. This can be an object with numeric values for properties 'x' and 'y', such as { x: 1, y: 2 }.
- bottomRightCornerCell
- Type:ig.excel.WorksheetCell
- The cell where the bottom-right corner of the shape resides.
- bottomRightCornerPosition
- Type:object
- the position in the bottomRightCornerCell of the shape's bottom-right corner, expressed in percentages. This can be an object with numeric values for properties 'x' and 'y', such as { x: 1, y: 2 }.
- chartInitializer
- Type:function
- Optional
Exception Description ig.excel.InvalidEnumArgumentException chartType is not defined in the ChartType enumeration. ig.InvalidOperationException topLeftCornerCell or bottomRightCornerCell is null. ig.InvalidOperationException topLeftCornerCell and bottomRightCornerCell belong to different worksheets or a worksheet other than the worksheet to which this collection belongs. ig.InvalidOperationException if a chart is being added to the Shapes collection of another Chart is null. ig.InvalidOperationException if a Workbook.CurrentFormat doesn't support Chart mofications, e.g. 'Excel97To2003' or 'Excel97To2003Template'. -
- .addChart( chartType:ig.excel.ChartType, boundsInTwips:object, [chartInitializer:function] );
- Return Type:
- ig.excel.WorksheetChart
- Return Type Description:
- A WorksheetChart-instance.
Adds a chart to the collection with the specified bounds.
- chartType
- Type:ig.excel.ChartType
- The type of chart to add to the collection.
- boundsInTwips
- Type:object
- The bounds of the shape on the worksheet in twips (1/20th of a point). This can be an object with numeric values for properties 'x', 'y', 'width', and 'height' or 'left', 'top', 'right', and 'bottom' such as { x: 1, y: 2, width: 100, height: 200 }.
- chartInitializer
- Type:function
- Optional
Exception Description ig.ArgumentNullException if worksheet is null. ig.excel.InvalidEnumArgumentException chartType is not defined in the ChartType enumeration. ig.InvalidOperationException if a chart is being added to the Shapes collection of another Chart is null. ig.InvalidOperationException if a Workbook.CurrentFormat doesn't support Chart mofications, e.g. 'Excel97To2003' or 'Excel97To2003Template'. -
- .clear( );
Clears all shapes from the collection.
- .contains( shape:ig.excel.WorksheetShape );
- Return Type:
- boolean
- Return Type Description:
- True if the shape is found; False otherwise.
Determines whether a shape is in the collection.
- shape
- Type:ig.excel.WorksheetShape
- The shape to locate in the collection.
See Also
- .count( );
- Return Type:
- number
- Return Type Description:
- The number of shapes in the collection.
Gets the number of shapes in the collection.
- .item( index:number );
- Return Type:
- ig.excel.WorksheetShape
- Return Type Description:
- The shape at the specified index.
Gets the shape at the specified index in the collection.
- index
- Type:number
- The zero-based index of the shape to get.
Exception Description ig.ArgumentOutOfRangeException index is less than zero or index is greater than or equal to WorksheetShapeCollection.count. See Also
- .remove( shape:ig.excel.WorksheetShape );
- Return Type:
- boolean
- Return Type Description:
- True if the shape was successfully removed from the collection; False if the shape did not exist in the collection.
Removes the specified shape from the collection.
- shape
- Type:ig.excel.WorksheetShape
- The shape to remove from the collection.
See Also
- .removeAt( index:number );
Removes the shape at the specified index from the collection.
- index
- Type:number
- The index of the shape to remove from the collection.
Exception Description ig.ArgumentOutOfRangeException index is less than zero or index is greater than or equal to WorksheetShapeCollection.count.