Available in the Full Version

Data Grid - Overview

The igGrid is the fastest jQuery grid on the market and provides line of business features, touch support, and responsive web design features.
Drag a column here or select columns to Group By
  • Category
Product Name
Units In Stock
Category: Beverages (3)
Guaraná FantásticaBeverages20
Category: Condiments (6)
Aniseed SyrupCondiments13
Chef Anton's Cajun SeasoningCondiments53
Chef Anton's Gumbo MixCondiments0
Grandma's Boysenberry SpreadCondiments120
Northwoods Cranberry SauceCondiments6

This sample is designed for a larger screen size.

On mobile, try rotating your screen, view full size, or email to another device.

You can bind the igGrid to a variety of data sources including JSON, XML, HTML tables, .NET collections, and even .NET DataTables. The igGrid works with popular open source libraries including KnockoutJS, History.js, JsRender, and Bootstrap. It includes powerful line of business features such as:

Code View

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<table id="grid"></table>