Available in the OSS Version
Zoombar - Financial Chart
TThis sample demonstrates the basic zoombar functionality along an igDataChart with financial series.
This sample uses CTP (Community Technical Preview) features. The API and behavior may change when these features are released with full support.
This sample is designed for a larger screen size.
On mobile, try rotating your screen, view full size, or email to another device.
Additional controls enable resizing of the zoom window to a specific period of time and show popovers with date information for the left and right borders.
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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title></title> <!-- Ignite UI for jQuery Required Combined CSS Files --> <link href="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2024.2/latest/css/themes/infragistics/infragistics.theme.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2024.2/latest/css/structure/infragistics.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/modernizr/modernizr-2.8.3.js"></script> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.1/jquery-ui.min.js"></script> <!-- Ignite UI for jQuery Required Combined JavaScript Files --> <script src="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2024.2/latest/js/infragistics.core.js"></script> <script src="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2024.2/latest/js/infragistics.dv.js"></script> <script src="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2024.2/latest/js/infragistics.lob.js"></script> <style type="text/css"> .buttonset { position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 50px; z-index: 10000; } .buttonset > label { width: 60px; height: 26px; margin-right: -4px!important; } .tooltip{ font-weight: bold; } </style> <script id="tooltipTemplate" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl"> <span class="tooltip">${item.DateString}</span><br /> <span class="tooltip">Open: </span><span>${item.Open}</span><br /> <span class="tooltip">Low: </span><span>${item.Low}</span><br /> <span class="tooltip">High: </span><span>${item.High}</span><br /> <span class="tooltip">Close: </span><span>${item.Close}</span><br /> </script> </head> <body> <div id="chartOverview"></div> <div id="zoomOverview"></div> <div id="buttonset" class="buttonset"> <input type="radio" id="day" name="radio" /><label for="day">Day</label> <input type="radio" id="week" name="radio" /><label for="week">Week</label> <input type="radio" id="month" name="radio" /><label for="month">Month</label> </div> <div id="date"> </div> <div id="popoverLeft"></div> <div id="popoverRight"></div> <script src="/data-files/financial-data-random.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { var chartOverview = $("#chartOverview"), zoombarOverview = $("#zoomOverview"), popoverTimeout = 0, popoverLeft, popoverRight, lastTarget, currentlyDragged, zoomParams; chartOverview.igDataChart({ width: "100%", height: "300px", axes: [ { name: "xAxis", type: "categoryDateTimeX", dataSource: financialData1, dateTimeMemberPath: "Date", labelVisibility: "visible" }, { name: "yAxis", type: "numericY" } ], series: [ { name: "series1", dataSource: financialData1, title: "Price Series", type: "financial", isTransitionInEnabled: true, displayType: "ohlc", xAxis: "xAxis", yAxis: "yAxis", openMemberPath: "Open", highMemberPath: "High", lowMemberPath: "Low", showTooltip: true, tooltipTemplate: "tooltipTemplate", closeMemberPath: "Close", thickness: 2, trendLineBrush: "rgba(68, 172, 214, .8)", trendLineThickness: 5, trendLineType: "exponentialAverage", negativeBrush: "rgba(198, 45, 54, .8)" }, { name: "series2", dataSource: financialData2, title: "Price Series", type: "financial", isTransitionInEnabled: true, xAxis: "xAxis", yAxis: "yAxis", openMemberPath: "Open", highMemberPath: "High", lowMemberPath: "Low", closeMemberPath: "Close", thickness: 2, showTooltip: true, tooltipTemplate: "tooltipTemplate", trendLineBrush: "rgba(73, 73, 73, .8)", trendLineThickness: 5, trendLineType: "exponentialAverage", negativeBrush: "rgba(198, 45, 54, .8)", displayType: "ohlc" } ], horizontalZoomable: true, verticalZoomable: false, windowResponse: "immediate", refreshCompleted: function (e, ui) { if ($("#chartOverview")[0] !== undefined && $("#chartOverview")[0] !== null) { var viewport = ui.chart.gridAreaRect, leftMostValue = $("#chartOverview").igDataChart("unscaleValue", "xAxis", viewport.left), rightMostValue = $("#chartOverview").igDataChart("unscaleValue", "xAxis", viewport.left + viewport.width); // get the dates corresponding to the values leftMostValue = new Date(leftMostValue); rightMostValue = new Date(rightMostValue); // set the dates to the popover if (popoverLeft.data("igPopover")) { popoverLeft.igPopover("setContent", $.ig.formatter(leftMostValue, "date", "date")); } if (popoverRight.data("igPopover")) { popoverRight.igPopover("setContent", $.ig.formatter(rightMostValue, "date", "date")); } zoomParams = { left: ui.chart.actualWindowRect ? ui.chart.actualWindowRect.left : 0.35, width: ui.chart.actualWindowRect ? ui.chart.actualWindowRect.width : 0.30 } } } }); $("#zoomOverview").igZoombar({ target: "#chartOverview", zoomWindowMinWidth: 1.2, windowResized: function (evt, ui) { var target = $(evt.originalEvent.target), handle = target.hasClass("ui-igzoombar-window-handle") ? target : lastTarget, handle = handle.igPopover({ direction: "top" }), container =handle ? handle.igPopover("container").parent().parent(): null; if (target.hasClass("ui-igzoombar-window-handle")) { lastTarget = target; } if (currentlyDragged && handle[0] !== currentlyDragged[0]) { currentlyDragged.igPopover("hide"); } // show the popover if it's not already visible if (container && !container.is(":visible")) { handle.igPopover("show"); } if (handle) { // update popovers position handle.igPopover("setCoordinates", { top: handle.offset().top - container.outerHeight(), left: handle.offset().left - container.outerWidth() / 2 + 5 }); currentlyDragged = handle; if (popoverTimeout > 0) { clearTimeout(popoverTimeout); } popoverTimeout = setTimeout(function () { popoverLeft.igPopover("hide"); popoverRight.igPopover("hide"); popoverTimeout = 0; }, 2000); // finally reset the buttonset $("#buttonset input").removeAttr("checked"); $("#buttonset").buttonset("refresh"); } } }); var lastSelectedButton; function onClick(button, label) { var newWidth, activeCss = "ui-state-active", viewport = chartOverview.igDataChart("option", "gridAreaRect"), leftMostValue = chartOverview.igDataChart("unscaleValue", "xAxis", viewport.left); if (button === "day") { newWidth = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; } else if (button === "week") { newWidth = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; } else if (button === "month") { newWidth = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; } // do not process same selected button twice if (!newWidth || lastSelectedButton === button) return; lastSelectedButton = button; newWidth = chartOverview.igDataChart("scaleValue", "xAxis", new Date(leftMostValue + newWidth)); zoombarOverview.igZoombar("zoom", zoomParams.left * 100, (newWidth * zoomParams.width / viewport.width) * 100); // verify/fix appearance of active button if (label) { setTimeout(function () { // condition when mouse-click of buttonset failed if (label.className.indexOf(activeCss) < 0) { var old = $("#buttonset").find("." + activeCss); old.removeClass(activeCss).removeClass("ui-state-focus"); label.className += " " + activeCss; } }, 40); } } // Note: buttonset has a bug with raising click events. // To get around, use mouseup with check for "LABEL.htmlFor" $("#buttonset").buttonset().click(function (evt) { onClick(evt.target.id); }).mouseup(function(evt) { var label = evt.target; if (label.nodeName !== "LABEL") label = label.parentNode; onClick(label.htmlFor, label); }); popoverLeft = $("#zoomOverview_zoombar_mask_left_handle"); popoverRight = $("#zoomOverview_zoombar_mask_right_handle"); popoverLeft.igPopover({ direction: "top", showOn: "focus" }); popoverRight.igPopover({ direction: "top", showOn: "focus" }); }); </script> </body> </html>
var financialData1 = [{ "Index": 0, "Open": 1000, "High": 1025.25, "Low": 970.25, "Close": 1025, "Volume": 1982.25, "Date": new Date(1262408400000), "DateString": "1/2/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 25, "ChangePerCent": 2.5 }, { "Index": 1, "Open": 1025, "High": 1062.25, "Low": 1006.25, "Close": 1057, "Volume": 1981.5, "Date": new Date(1262494800000), "DateString": "1/3/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 32, "ChangePerCent": 3.1219512195121952 }, { "Index": 2, "Open": 1057, "High": 1078.5, "Low": 1019, "Close": 1058, "Volume": 1963.25, "Date": new Date(1262581200000), "DateString": "1/4/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 1, "ChangePerCent": 0.0946073793755913 }, { "Index": 3, "Open": 1058, "High": 1079.75, "Low": 1027.5, "Close": 1072, "Volume": 1986.25, "Date": new Date(1262667600000), "DateString": "1/5/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 14, "ChangePerCent": 1.3232514177693762 }, { "Index": 4, "Open": 1072, "High": 1098, "Low": 1048, "Close": 1056, "Volume": 1972, "Date": new Date(1262754000000), "DateString": "1/6/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -16, "ChangePerCent": -1.4925373134328357 }, { "Index": 5, "Open": 1056, "High": 1072.5, "Low": 1026.75, "Close": 1043, "Volume": 1969, "Date": new Date(1262840400000), "DateString": "1/7/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -13, "ChangePerCent": -1.231060606060606 }, { "Index": 6, "Open": 1043, "High": 1062.5, "Low": 1024.25, "Close": 1029, "Volume": 1956.75, "Date": new Date(1262926800000), "DateString": "1/8/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -14, "ChangePerCent": -1.3422818791946309 }, { "Index": 7, "Open": 1029, "High": 1063.5, "Low": 999.5, "Close": 1011, "Volume": 1967, "Date": new Date(1263013200000), "DateString": "1/9/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -18, "ChangePerCent": -1.749271137026239 }, { "Index": 8, "Open": 1011, "High": 1037.75, "Low": 996, "Close": 1027, "Volume": 1995, "Date": new Date(1263099600000), "DateString": "1/10/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 16, "ChangePerCent": 1.5825914935707219 }, { "Index": 9, "Open": 1027, "High": 1062, "Low": 997, "Close": 1026, "Volume": 1969.75, "Date": new Date(1263186000000), "DateString": "1/11/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -1, "ChangePerCent": -0.097370983446932818 }, { "Index": 10, "Open": 1026, "High": 1041.5, "Low": 998.5, "Close": 1006, "Volume": 1958.25, "Date": new Date(1263272400000), "DateString": "1/12/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -20, "ChangePerCent": -1.9493177387914229 }, { "Index": 11, "Open": 1006, "High": 1035.25, "Low": 978.5, "Close": 1018, "Volume": 1947.75, "Date": new Date(1263358800000), "DateString": "1/13/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 12, "ChangePerCent": 1.1928429423459244 }, { "Index": 12, "Open": 1018, "High": 1035.75, "Low": 990, "Close": 1020, "Volume": 1946, "Date": new Date(1263445200000), "DateString": "1/14/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 2, "ChangePerCent": 0.19646365422396855 }, { "Index": 13, "Open": 1020, "High": 1050, "Low": 1003.25, "Close": 1049, "Volume": 1940.5, "Date": new Date(1263531600000), "DateString": "1/15/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 29, "ChangePerCent": 2.8431372549019609 }, { "Index": 14, "Open": 1049, "High": 1062.75, "Low": 1027.5, "Close": 1034, "Volume": 1953.25, "Date": new Date(1263618000000), "DateString": "1/16/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -15, "ChangePerCent": -1.4299332697807436 }, { "Index": 15, "Open": 1034, "High": 1054.5, "Low": 1011.75, "Close": 1022, "Volume": 1926.25, "Date": new Date(1263704400000), "DateString": "1/17/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -12, "ChangePerCent": -1.1605415860735011 }, { "Index": 16, "Open": 1022, "High": 1046, "Low": 994.25, "Close": 1021, "Volume": 1956.25, "Date": new Date(1263790800000), "DateString": "1/18/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -1, "ChangePerCent": -0.097847358121330719 }, { "Index": 17, "Open": 1021, "High": 1056.25, "Low": 982.75, "Close": 1001, "Volume": 1955.25, "Date": new Date(1263877200000), "DateString": "1/19/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -20, "ChangePerCent": -1.9588638589618024 }, { "Index": 18, "Open": 1001, "High": 1017, "Low": 979, "Close": 1014, "Volume": 1976.25, "Date": new Date(1263963600000), "DateString": "1/20/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 13, "ChangePerCent": 1.2987012987012987 }, { "Index": 19, "Open": 1014, "High": 1037.75, "Low": 982.25, "Close": 1008, "Volume": 1966.25, "Date": new Date(1264050000000), "DateString": "1/21/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -6, "ChangePerCent": -0.591715976331361 }, { "Index": 20, "Open": 1008, "High": 1021, "Low": 983.5, "Close": 984, "Volume": 1949.75, "Date": new Date(1264136400000), "DateString": "1/22/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -24, "ChangePerCent": -2.3809523809523809 }, { "Index": 21, "Open": 984, "High": 1018.75, "Low": 949.5, "Close": 994, "Volume": 1921.25, "Date": new Date(1264222800000), "DateString": "1/23/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 10, "ChangePerCent": 1.0162601626016259 }, { "Index": 22, "Open": 994, "High": 1018, "Low": 970.75, "Close": 971, "Volume": 1948.5, "Date": new Date(1264309200000), "DateString": "1/24/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -23, "ChangePerCent": -2.3138832997987926 }, { "Index": 23, "Open": 971, "High": 998.25, "Low": 948.5, "Close": 981, "Volume": 1946.75, "Date": new Date(1264395600000), "DateString": "1/25/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 10, "ChangePerCent": 1.0298661174047374 }, { "Index": 24, "Open": 981, "High": 995.5, "Low": 947, "Close": 991, "Volume": 1930.5, "Date": new Date(1264482000000), "DateString": "1/26/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 10, "ChangePerCent": 1.019367991845056 }, { "Index": 25, "Open": 991, "High": 1024, "Low": 962, "Close": 970, "Volume": 1905, "Date": new Date(1264568400000), "DateString": "1/27/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -21, "ChangePerCent": -2.119071644803229 }, { "Index": 26, "Open": 970, "High": 990.75, "Low": 942.5, "Close": 977, "Volume": 1903.5, "Date": new Date(1264654800000), "DateString": "1/28/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 7, "ChangePerCent": 0.72164948453608246 }, { "Index": 27, "Open": 977, "High": 993, "Low": 947.5, "Close": 992, "Volume": 1899.75, "Date": new Date(1264741200000), "DateString": "1/29/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 15, "ChangePerCent": 1.5353121801432956 }, { "Index": 28, "Open": 992, "High": 1009.5, "Low": 960.5, "Close": 979, "Volume": 1889.25, "Date": new Date(1264827600000), "DateString": "1/30/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -13, "ChangePerCent": -1.310483870967742 }, { "Index": 29, "Open": 979, "High": 1011.75, "Low": 956.5, "Close": 994, "Volume": 1896.75, "Date": new Date(1264914000000), "DateString": "1/31/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 15, "ChangePerCent": 1.5321756894790604 }, { "Index": 30, "Open": 994, "High": 1027.25, "Low": 967.25, "Close": 972, "Volume": 1875.5, "Date": new Date(1265000400000), "DateString": "2/1/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -22, "ChangePerCent": -2.2132796780684103 }, { "Index": 31, "Open": 972, "High": 992.75, "Low": 953, "Close": 958, "Volume": 1860.25, "Date": new Date(1265086800000), "DateString": "2/2/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -14, "ChangePerCent": -1.440329218106996 }, { "Index": 32, "Open": 958, "High": 994, "Low": 933, "Close": 972, "Volume": 1876.5, "Date": new Date(1265173200000), "DateString": "2/3/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 14, "ChangePerCent": 1.4613778705636742 }, { "Index": 33, "Open": 972, "High": 981, "Low": 947.75, "Close": 970, "Volume": 1885.5, "Date": new Date(1265259600000), "DateString": "2/4/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -2, "ChangePerCent": -0.205761316872428 }, { "Index": 34, "Open": 970, "High": 1005.5, "Low": 948.75, "Close": 955, "Volume": 1886.25, "Date": new Date(1265346000000), "DateString": "2/5/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -15, "ChangePerCent": -1.5463917525773196 }, { "Index": 35, "Open": 955, "High": 984, "Low": 932, "Close": 958, "Volume": 1895.25, "Date": new Date(1265432400000), "DateString": "2/6/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 3, "ChangePerCent": 0.31413612565445026 }, { "Index": 36, "Open": 958, "High": 972.25, "Low": 918.5, "Close": 967, "Volume": 1901.25, "Date": new Date(1265518800000), "DateString": "2/7/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 9, "ChangePerCent": 0.93945720250521914 }, { "Index": 37, "Open": 967, "High": 992, "Low": 937.5, "Close": 960, "Volume": 1889.75, "Date": new Date(1265605200000), "DateString": "2/8/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -7, "ChangePerCent": -0.72388831437435364 }, { "Index": 38, "Open": 960, "High": 981.25, "Low": 935.25, "Close": 941, "Volume": 1866, "Date": new Date(1265691600000), "DateString": "2/9/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -19, "ChangePerCent": -1.9791666666666665 }, { "Index": 39, "Open": 941, "High": 974.5, "Low": 913.25, "Close": 916, "Volume": 1866, "Date": new Date(1265778000000), "DateString": "2/10/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -25, "ChangePerCent": -2.6567481402763016 }, { "Index": 40, "Open": 916, "High": 933.5, "Low": 899, "Close": 904, "Volume": 1874.5, "Date": new Date(1265864400000), "DateString": "2/11/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -12, "ChangePerCent": -1.3100436681222707 }, { "Index": 41, "Open": 904, "High": 928.5, "Low": 886.75, "Close": 901, "Volume": 1873.75, "Date": new Date(1265950800000), "DateString": "2/12/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -3, "ChangePerCent": -0.33185840707964603 }, { "Index": 42, "Open": 901, "High": 942.5, "Low": 874, "Close": 916, "Volume": 1857.25, "Date": new Date(1266037200000), "DateString": "2/13/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 15, "ChangePerCent": 1.6648168701442843 }, { "Index": 43, "Open": 916, "High": 929.75, "Low": 887.25, "Close": 894, "Volume": 1880.75, "Date": new Date(1266123600000), "DateString": "2/14/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -22, "ChangePerCent": -2.4017467248908297 }, { "Index": 44, "Open": 894, "High": 908.5, "Low": 866.75, "Close": 869, "Volume": 1868.75, "Date": new Date(1266210000000), "DateString": "2/15/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -25, "ChangePerCent": -2.796420581655481 }, { "Index": 45, "Open": 869, "High": 898.75, "Low": 846.25, "Close": 894, "Volume": 1884, "Date": new Date(1266296400000), "DateString": "2/16/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 25, "ChangePerCent": 2.8768699654775602 }, { "Index": 46, "Open": 894, "High": 922.5, "Low": 871.25, "Close": 904, "Volume": 1898.5, "Date": new Date(1266382800000), "DateString": "2/17/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 10, "ChangePerCent": 1.1185682326621924 }, { "Index": 47, "Open": 904, "High": 921, "Low": 879.25, "Close": 893, "Volume": 1873, "Date": new Date(1266469200000), "DateString": "2/18/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -11, "ChangePerCent": -1.2168141592920354 }, { "Index": 48, "Open": 893, "High": 917.5, "Low": 855, "Close": 882, "Volume": 1885.5, "Date": new Date(1266555600000), "DateString": "2/19/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -11, "ChangePerCent": -1.2318029115341544 }, { "Index": 49, "Open": 882, "High": 913, "Low": 864.25, "Close": 886, "Volume": 1872, "Date": new Date(1266642000000), "DateString": "2/20/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 4, "ChangePerCent": 0.45351473922902497 }]; var financialData2 = [{ "Index": 0, "Open": 1000, "High": 1021.5, "Low": 963.75, "Close": 1020, "Volume": 1989, "Date": new Date(1262408400000), "DateString": "1/2/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 20, "ChangePerCent": 2 }, { "Index": 1, "Open": 1020, "High": 1044, "Low": 988.5, "Close": 1029, "Volume": 1980, "Date": new Date(1262494800000), "DateString": "1/3/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 9, "ChangePerCent": 0.88235294117647056 }, { "Index": 2, "Open": 1029, "High": 1055.5, "Low": 1001, "Close": 1043, "Volume": 1984.75, "Date": new Date(1262581200000), "DateString": "1/4/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 14, "ChangePerCent": 1.3605442176870748 }, { "Index": 3, "Open": 1043, "High": 1075, "Low": 1025, "Close": 1054, "Volume": 1972, "Date": new Date(1262667600000), "DateString": "1/5/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 11, "ChangePerCent": 1.0546500479386385 }, { "Index": 4, "Open": 1054, "High": 1081.25, "Low": 1034.75, "Close": 1044, "Volume": 1991.75, "Date": new Date(1262754000000), "DateString": "1/6/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -10, "ChangePerCent": -0.94876660341555974 }, { "Index": 5, "Open": 1044, "High": 1056.25, "Low": 1025, "Close": 1048, "Volume": 2014, "Date": new Date(1262840400000), "DateString": "1/7/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 4, "ChangePerCent": 0.38314176245210724 }, { "Index": 6, "Open": 1048, "High": 1067.75, "Low": 1009.75, "Close": 1026, "Volume": 2020, "Date": new Date(1262926800000), "DateString": "1/8/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -22, "ChangePerCent": -2.0992366412213741 }, { "Index": 7, "Open": 1026, "High": 1048, "Low": 996.5, "Close": 1014, "Volume": 2017.5, "Date": new Date(1263013200000), "DateString": "1/9/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -12, "ChangePerCent": -1.1695906432748537 }, { "Index": 8, "Open": 1014, "High": 1032, "Low": 980.5, "Close": 1022, "Volume": 2011.75, "Date": new Date(1263099600000), "DateString": "1/10/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 8, "ChangePerCent": 0.78895463510848129 }, { "Index": 9, "Open": 1022, "High": 1050.25, "Low": 989.5, "Close": 1036, "Volume": 2013, "Date": new Date(1263186000000), "DateString": "1/11/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 14, "ChangePerCent": 1.36986301369863 }, { "Index": 10, "Open": 1036, "High": 1054.25, "Low": 1021.25, "Close": 1044, "Volume": 2005.75, "Date": new Date(1263272400000), "DateString": "1/12/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 8, "ChangePerCent": 0.77220077220077221 }, { "Index": 11, "Open": 1044, "High": 1062.5, "Low": 1012.75, "Close": 1024, "Volume": 2024.25, "Date": new Date(1263358800000), "DateString": "1/13/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -20, "ChangePerCent": -1.9157088122605364 }, { "Index": 12, "Open": 1024, "High": 1049.25, "Low": 1001.25, "Close": 1006, "Volume": 2020, "Date": new Date(1263445200000), "DateString": "1/14/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -18, "ChangePerCent": -1.7578125 }, { "Index": 13, "Open": 1006, "High": 1013.75, "Low": 983.5, "Close": 1007, "Volume": 2011.75, "Date": new Date(1263531600000), "DateString": "1/15/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 1, "ChangePerCent": 0.09940357852882703 }, { "Index": 14, "Open": 1007, "High": 1034.25, "Low": 986.75, "Close": 1027, "Volume": 1986.25, "Date": new Date(1263618000000), "DateString": "1/16/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 20, "ChangePerCent": 1.9860973187686197 }, { "Index": 15, "Open": 1027, "High": 1048, "Low": 995, "Close": 996, "Volume": 1969.75, "Date": new Date(1263704400000), "DateString": "1/17/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -31, "ChangePerCent": -3.0185004868549172 }, { "Index": 16, "Open": 996, "High": 1020, "Low": 976.75, "Close": 976, "Volume": 1945.25, "Date": new Date(1263790800000), "DateString": "1/18/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -20, "ChangePerCent": -2.0080321285140563 }, { "Index": 17, "Open": 976, "High": 999.5, "Low": 955.75, 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"Change": -2, "ChangePerCent": -0.21141649048625794 }, { "Index": 22, "Open": 944, "High": 975.5, "Low": 930.25, "Close": 960, "Volume": 1948.75, "Date": new Date(1264309200000), "DateString": "1/24/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 16, "ChangePerCent": 1.6949152542372881 }, { "Index": 23, "Open": 960, "High": 999.25, "Low": 925.5, "Close": 957, "Volume": 1965, "Date": new Date(1264395600000), "DateString": "1/25/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -3, "ChangePerCent": -0.3125 }, { "Index": 24, "Open": 957, "High": 991.5, "Low": 928.75, "Close": 949, "Volume": 1948, "Date": new Date(1264482000000), "DateString": "1/26/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -8, "ChangePerCent": -0.8359456635318705 }, { "Index": 25, "Open": 949, "High": 968.5, "Low": 924, "Close": 929, "Volume": 1956.25, "Date": new Date(1264568400000), "DateString": "1/27/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -20, "ChangePerCent": -2.1074815595363541 }, { "Index": 26, "Open": 929, "High": 948.25, "Low": 899, "Close": 905, 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"ChangePerCent": 2.2826086956521738 }, { "Index": 31, "Open": 941, "High": 951, "Low": 911, "Close": 935, "Volume": 1973, "Date": new Date(1265086800000), "DateString": "2/2/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -6, "ChangePerCent": -0.6376195536663124 }, { "Index": 32, "Open": 935, "High": 944.5, "Low": 924.5, "Close": 924, "Volume": 1982.75, "Date": new Date(1265173200000), "DateString": "2/3/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -11, "ChangePerCent": -1.1764705882352942 }, { "Index": 33, "Open": 924, "High": 943.5, "Low": 909.25, "Close": 923, "Volume": 2001.25, "Date": new Date(1265259600000), "DateString": "2/4/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -1, "ChangePerCent": -0.10822510822510822 }, { "Index": 34, "Open": 923, "High": 949, "Low": 895, "Close": 929, "Volume": 2000.75, "Date": new Date(1265346000000), "DateString": "2/5/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 6, "ChangePerCent": 0.65005417118093178 }, { "Index": 35, "Open": 929, "High": 957.75, "Low": 906.25, "Close": 935, "Volume": 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"ChangePerCent": -1.1917659804983749 }, { "Index": 40, "Open": 912, "High": 929.75, "Low": 888.25, "Close": 896, "Volume": 1959.25, "Date": new Date(1265864400000), "DateString": "2/11/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -16, "ChangePerCent": -1.7543859649122806 }, { "Index": 41, "Open": 896, "High": 921.75, "Low": 885.5, "Close": 915, "Volume": 1942.5, "Date": new Date(1265950800000), "DateString": "2/12/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 19, "ChangePerCent": 2.1205357142857144 }, { "Index": 42, "Open": 915, "High": 926, "Low": 883.25, "Close": 902, "Volume": 1937.5, "Date": new Date(1266037200000), "DateString": "2/13/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -13, "ChangePerCent": -1.4207650273224044 }, { "Index": 43, "Open": 902, "High": 923.5, "Low": 868, "Close": 897, "Volume": 1941.25, "Date": new Date(1266123600000), "DateString": "2/14/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -5, "ChangePerCent": -0.55432372505543237 }, { "Index": 44, "Open": 897, "High": 922, "Low": 877.5, "Close": 920, "Volume": 1927, "Date": new Date(1266210000000), "DateString": "2/15/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 23, "ChangePerCent": 2.5641025641025639 }, { "Index": 45, "Open": 920, "High": 961.5, "Low": 903.25, "Close": 923, "Volume": 1923.25, "Date": new Date(1266296400000), "DateString": "2/16/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 3, "ChangePerCent": 0.32608695652173914 }, { "Index": 46, "Open": 923, "High": 948.25, "Low": 891.25, "Close": 934, "Volume": 1940.25, "Date": new Date(1266382800000), "DateString": "2/17/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 11, "ChangePerCent": 1.1917659804983749 }, { "Index": 47, "Open": 934, "High": 958.75, "Low": 915, "Close": 932, "Volume": 1946, "Date": new Date(1266469200000), "DateString": "2/18/2010", "Category": null, "Change": -2, "ChangePerCent": -0.21413276231263384 }, { "Index": 48, "Open": 932, "High": 948, "Low": 903, "Close": 938, "Volume": 1942.25, "Date": new Date(1266555600000), "DateString": "2/19/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 6, "ChangePerCent": 0.64377682403433478 }, { "Index": 49, "Open": 938, "High": 965.25, "Low": 923.25, "Close": 947, "Volume": 1905.5, "Date": new Date(1266642000000), "DateString": "2/20/2010", "Category": null, "Change": 9, "ChangePerCent": 0.95948827292110883 }];
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import { Component, NgModule, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; import { IgDataChartComponent, IgZoombarComponent, IgPopoverComponent } from 'igniteui-angular-wrappers'; import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic'; declare var jQuery: any; @Component({ selector: 'my-app', template: `<ig-data-chart [(options)]="chartOpts" #chart (refreshCompleted)="chartRefreshCompleted($event)" [widgetId]='"chart"'></ig-data-chart> <ig-zoombar [(options)]="zoombarOpts" (windowResized)="zoombarWindowResized($event)" [widgetId]='"zoom"' #zoom></ig-zoombar> <div id="buttonset" class="buttonset" #buttonset> <input type="radio" id="day" name="radio" /><label for="day">Day</label> <input type="radio" id="week" name="radio" /><label for="week">Week</label> <input type="radio" id="month" name="radio" /><label for="month">Month</label> </div> <div id="date"> </div> <ig-popover widgetId="popoverLeft" #popoverLeft [options]="popOpts1"></ig-popover> <ig-popover widgetId="popoverRight" #popoverRight [options]="popOpts2"></ig-popover>` }) export class AppComponent implements ngAfterViewInit{ private data: any; private chartOpts: any; private zoombarOpts: any; private popOpts1: any; private popOpts2: any; private zoomParams: object = {}; private popoverTimeout: number = 0; private $lastSelectedButton; private $currentlyDragged; private $lastTarget; @ViewChild("buttonset") buttonset: ElementRef; @ViewChild("chart") chart: IgDataChartComponent; @ViewChild("zoom") zoombar: IgZoombarComponent; @ViewChild("popoverLeft") popoverLeft: IgPopoverComponent; @ViewChild("popoverRight") popoverRight: IgPopoverComponent; ngAfterViewInit() { var self = this; this.$chart = jQuery("#chart"); this.$zoombar = jQuery(this.zoombar.nativeElement); jQuery(this.buttonset.nativeElement).buttonset() .click(function (evt) { self.onClick(evt.target.id); }).mouseup(function (evt) { var label = evt.target; label = (label.nodeName !== "LABEL") ? label.parentNode : label; self.onClick(label.htmlFor, label); }); } onClick(button, label) { var newWidth, activeCss = "ui-state-active", viewport = this.chart.option("gridAreaRect"), leftMostValue = this.chart.unscaleValue("xAxis", viewport.left); if (button === "day") { newWidth = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; } else if (button === "week") { newWidth = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; } else if (button === "month") { newWidth = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; } // do not process same selected button twice if (!newWidth || this.$lastSelectedButton === button) return; this.$lastSelectedButton = button; newWidth = this.chart.scaleValue("xAxis", new Date(leftMostValue + newWidth)); this.zoombar.zoom(this.zoomParams.left * 100, (newWidth * this.zoomParams.width / viewport.width) * 100); // verify/fix appearance of active button if (label) { setTimeout(function () { // condition when mouse-click of buttonset failed if (label.className.indexOf(activeCss) < 0) { var old = jQuery("#buttonset").find("." + activeCss); old.removeClass(activeCss).removeClass("ui-state-focus"); label.className += " " + activeCss; } }, 40); } } zoombarWindowResized($event) { var target = jQuery($event.event.originalEvent.target), handle = target.hasClass("ui-igzoombar-window-handle") ? target : this.$lastTarget, self = this, container = handle ? handle.igPopover("container").parent().parent() : null; if (target.hasClass("ui-igzoombar-window-handle")) { this.$lastTarget = target; } if (this.$currentlyDragged && handle[0] !== this.$currentlyDragged[0]) { this.$currentlyDragged.igPopover("hide"); } // show the popover if it's not already visible if (container && !container.is(":visible")) { handle.igPopover("show"); } if (handle) { // update popovers position handle.igPopover("setCoordinates", { top: handle.offset().top - container.outerHeight(), left: handle.offset().left - container.outerWidth() / 2 + 5 }); this.$currentlyDragged = handle; if (this.popoverTimeout > 0) { clearTimeout(this.popoverTimeout); } this.popoverTimeout = setTimeout(function () { popoverLeft.igPopover("hide"); popoverRight.igPopover("hide"); self.popoverTimeout = 0; }, 2000); // finally reset the buttonset jQuery("#buttonset input").removeAttr("checked"); jQuery("#buttonset").buttonset("refresh"); } } constructor() { this.buttonset this.popOpts1 = { direction: "top", showOn: "focus" } this.popOpts2 = { direction: "top", showOn: "focus" } this.chartOpts = { width: "100%", height: "300px", axes: [ { name: "xAxis", type: "categoryDateTimeX", dataSource: financialData1, dateTimeMemberPath: "Date", labelVisibility: "visible" }, { name: "yAxis", type: "numericY" } ], series: [ { name: "series1", dataSource: financialData1, title: "Price Series", type: "financial", isTransitionInEnabled: true, displayType: "ohlc", xAxis: "xAxis", yAxis: "yAxis", openMemberPath: "Open", highMemberPath: "High", lowMemberPath: "Low", showTooltip: true, tooltipTemplate: "tooltipTemplate", closeMemberPath: "Close", thickness: 2, trendLineBrush: "rgba(68, 172, 214, .8)", trendLineThickness: 5, trendLineType: "exponentialAverage", negativeBrush: "rgba(198, 45, 54, .8)" }, { name: "series2", dataSource: financialData2, title: "Price Series", type: "financial", isTransitionInEnabled: true, xAxis: "xAxis", yAxis: "yAxis", openMemberPath: "Open", highMemberPath: "High", lowMemberPath: "Low", closeMemberPath: "Close", thickness: 2, showTooltip: true, tooltipTemplate: "tooltipTemplate", trendLineBrush: "rgba(73, 73, 73, .8)", trendLineThickness: 5, trendLineType: "exponentialAverage", negativeBrush: "rgba(198, 45, 54, .8)", displayType: "ohlc" } ], horizontalZoomable: true, verticalZoomable: false, windowResponse: "immediate" }; this.zoombarOpts = { target: "#chart", zoomWindowMinWidth: 1.2, }; } chartRefreshCompleted ($event) { var viewport = this.chart.option("gridAreaRect"), leftMostValue = this.chart.unscaleValue("xAxis", viewport.left), rightMostValue = this.chart.unscaleValue("xAxis", viewport.left + viewport.width); // get the dates corresponding to the values leftMostValue = new Date(leftMostValue); rightMostValue = new Date(rightMostValue); // set the dates to the popover this.popoverLeft.setContent(jQuery.ig.formatter(leftMostValue, "date", "date")); this.popoverRight.setContent(jQuery.ig.formatter(rightMostValue, "date", "date")); this.zoomParams = { left: $event.ui.chart.actualWindowRect ? $event.ui.chart.actualWindowRect.left : 0.35, width: $event.ui.chart.actualWindowRect ? $event.ui.chart.actualWindowRect.width : 0.30 } } } @NgModule({ imports: [ BrowserModule ], declarations: [ AppComponent, IgDataChartComponent, IgZoombarComponent, IgPopoverComponent ], bootstrap: [ AppComponent ] }) export class AppModule {} platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule);
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} </style> <script id="tooltipTemplate" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl"> <span class="tooltip">${item.DateString}</span><br /> <span class="tooltip">Open: </span><span>${item.Open}</span><br /> <span class="tooltip">Low: </span><span>${item.Low}</span><br /> <span class="tooltip">High: </span><span>${item.High}</span><br /> <span class="tooltip">Close: </span><span>${item.Close}</span><br /> </script> </head> <body> <script src="/js-data/financial-data-random"></script> <div id="app"> <!--Sample JSON Data--> <script type="text/babel"> var chart, zoombar, popoverLeft, popoverRight, popoverTimeout = 0, lastTarget, currentlyDragged, zoomParams; var lastSelectedButton; function onClick(button, label) { var newWidth, activeCss = "ui-state-active", viewport = chart.igDataChart("option", "gridAreaRect"), leftMostValue = chart.igDataChart("unscaleValue", "xAxis", viewport.left); if (button === "day") { newWidth = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; } else if (button === "week") { newWidth = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; } else if (button === "month") { newWidth = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; } // do not process same selected button twice if (!newWidth || lastSelectedButton === button) return; lastSelectedButton = button; newWidth = chart.igDataChart("scaleValue", "xAxis", new Date(leftMostValue + newWidth)); zoombar.igZoombar("zoom", zoomParams.left * 100, (newWidth * zoomParams.width / viewport.width) * 100); // verify/fix appearance of active button if (label) { setTimeout(function () { // condition when mouse-click of buttonset failed if (label.className.indexOf(activeCss) < 0) { var old = $("#buttonset").find("." + activeCss); old.removeClass(activeCss).removeClass("ui-state-focus"); label.className += " " + activeCss; } }, 40); } } var IgButtonset = React.createClass({ render: function () { return <div id={this.props.id} className="buttonset"> <input type="radio" id="day" name="radio" /><label htmlFor="day">Day</label> <input type="radio" id="week" name="radio" /><label htmlFor="week">Week</label> <input type="radio" id="month" name="radio" /><label htmlFor="month">Month</label> </div> }, componentDidMount: function () { $("#buttonset").buttonset() .click(function (evt) { onClick(evt.target.id); }).mouseup(function(evt) { var label = evt.target; if (label.nodeName !== "LABEL") label = label.parentNode; onClick(label.htmlFor, label); }); } }); var App = React.createClass({ componentDidMount: function () { popoverLeft = $("#popoverLeft"); popoverRight = $("#popoverRight"); chart = $("#chart"); zoombar = $("#zoom"); }, render: function () { return <div> <IgDataChart id="chart" width="100%" height="300px" axes={[ { name: "xAxis", type: "categoryDateTimeX", dataSource: financialData1, dateTimeMemberPath: "Date", labelVisibility: "visible" }, { name: "yAxis", type: "numericY" } ]} series={[ { name: "series1", dataSource: financialData1, title: "Price Series", type: "financial", isTransitionInEnabled: true, displayType: "ohlc", xAxis: "xAxis", yAxis: "yAxis", openMemberPath: "Open", highMemberPath: "High", lowMemberPath: "Low", showTooltip: true, tooltipTemplate: "tooltipTemplate", closeMemberPath: "Close", thickness: 2, trendLineBrush: "rgba(68, 172, 214, .8)", trendLineThickness: 5, trendLineType: "exponentialAverage", negativeBrush: "rgba(198, 45, 54, .8)" }, { name: "series2", dataSource: financialData2, title: "Price Series", type: "financial", isTransitionInEnabled: true, xAxis: "xAxis", yAxis: "yAxis", openMemberPath: "Open", highMemberPath: "High", lowMemberPath: "Low", closeMemberPath: "Close", thickness: 2, showTooltip: true, tooltipTemplate: "tooltipTemplate", trendLineBrush: "rgba(73, 73, 73, .8)", trendLineThickness: 5, trendLineType: "exponentialAverage", negativeBrush: "rgba(198, 45, 54, .8)", displayType: "ohlc" } ]} horizontalZoomable={true} verticalZoomable={false} windowResponse="immediate" refreshCompleted={function (e, ui) { if (chart && chart.igDataChart) { var viewport = chart.igDataChart("option", "gridAreaRect"), leftMostValue = chart.igDataChart("unscaleValue", "xAxis", viewport.left), rightMostValue = $("#chart").igDataChart("unscaleValue", "xAxis", viewport.left + viewport.width); // get the dates corresponding to the values leftMostValue = new Date(leftMostValue); rightMostValue = new Date(rightMostValue); // set the dates to the popover if (popoverLeft.data("igPopover")) { popoverLeft.igPopover("setContent", $.ig.formatter(leftMostValue, "date", "date")); } if (popoverRight.data("igPopover")) { popoverRight.igPopover("setContent", $.ig.formatter(rightMostValue, "date", "date")); } zoomParams = { left: ui.chart.actualWindowRect ? ui.chart.actualWindowRect.left : 0.35, width: ui.chart.actualWindowRect ? ui.chart.actualWindowRect.width : 0.30 } } }} /> <IgZoombar id="zoom" target="#chart" zoomWindowMinWidth={1.2} windowResized={function (evt, ui) { var target = $(evt.originalEvent.target), handle = target.hasClass("ui-igzoombar-window-handle") ? target : lastTarget, container =handle ? handle.igPopover("container").parent().parent(): null; if (target.hasClass("ui-igzoombar-window-handle")) { lastTarget = target; } if (currentlyDragged && handle[0] !== currentlyDragged[0]) { currentlyDragged.igPopover("hide"); } // show the popover if it's not already visible if (container && !container.is(":visible")) { handle.igPopover("show"); } if (handle) { // update popovers position handle.igPopover("setCoordinates", { top: handle.offset().top - container.outerHeight(), left: handle.offset().left - container.outerWidth() / 2 + 5 }); currentlyDragged = handle; if (popoverTimeout > 0) { clearTimeout(popoverTimeout); } popoverTimeout = setTimeout(function () { popoverLeft.igPopover("hide"); popoverRight.igPopover("hide"); popoverTimeout = 0; }, 2000); // finally reset the buttonset $("#buttonset input").removeAttr("checked"); $("#buttonset").buttonset("refresh"); } }}/> <IgButtonset id="buttonset"></IgButtonset> <div id="date"></div> <IgPopover id="popoverLeft" direction="top" showOn="focus"/> <IgPopover id="popoverRight" direction="top" showOn="focus"/> </div> } }); ReactDOM.render( <App />, document.getElementById("app")); </script> </div> </body> </html>