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Hierarchical Grid - ASP.NET MVC
This sample demonstrates how to use the ASP.NET MVC helper to implement remote features functionalities for the igHierarchicalGrid.
This sample uses CTP (Community Technical Preview) features. The API and behavior may change when these features are released with full support.
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On mobile, try rotating your screen, view full size, or email to another device.
The igHierarchicalGrid ASP.NET MVC helper contains a GridDataSourceAction attribute class that greatly simplifies server-side grid requests processing. Given an IEnumerable/IQueryable data source, a controller method decorated with this attribute will automatically process grid features requests and will return the transformed data back to the igHierarchicalGrid in JSON format.
Use the Paging, Sorting and Filtering features to experience the remote igHierarchicalGrid capabilities.
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@using Infragistics.Web.Mvc @using IgniteUI.SamplesBrowser.Models.Northwind @using System.Data @model Infragistics.Web.Mvc.GridModel <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title></title> <!-- Ignite UI for jQuery Required Combined CSS Files --> <link href="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2024.2/latest/css/themes/infragistics/infragistics.theme.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2024.2/latest/css/structure/infragistics.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/modernizr/modernizr-2.8.3.js"></script> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.1/jquery-ui.min.js"></script> <!-- Ignite UI for jQuery Required Combined JavaScript Files --> <script src="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2024.2/latest/js/infragistics.core.js"></script> <script src="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2024.2/latest/js/infragistics.lob.js"></script> </head> <body> @(Html.Infragistics().Grid(Model)) </body> </html>
using System.Configuration; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Web.Mvc; using System.Linq; using Infragistics.Web.Mvc; using IgniteUI.SamplesBrowser.Models.Repositories; using IgniteUI.SamplesBrowser.Application.Data; using System.Collections.Generic; using IgniteUI.SamplesBrowser.Models.Northwind; using System; namespace IgniteUI.SamplesBrowser.Controllers { public class HierarchicalGridController : Controller { [ActionName("aspnet-mvc-helper")] public ActionResult AspMvcHelper() { GridModel gridModel = GetGridModel(); return View("aspnet-mvc-helper", gridModel); } [GridDataSourceAction] [ActionName("dataset-binding")] public ActionResult DataSetMvcHelper() { var categoriesProducts = this.CategoriesProducts; return View("dataset-binding", categoriesProducts); } [GridDataSourceAction] [ActionName("editing-dataset")] public ActionResult EditingDataSetMvcHelper() { var categoriesProducts = this.CategoriesProducts; return View("editing-dataset", categoriesProducts); } [ActionName("EditingSaveChanges")] public ActionResult EditingSaveChanges() { ViewData["GenerateCompactJSONResponse"] = false; GridModel m = new GridModel(); List<Transaction<Category>> categoryTransactions = m.LoadTransactions<Category>(HttpContext.Request.Form["ig_transactions"]); foreach (Transaction<Category> t in categoryTransactions) { DataRow dr = this.CategoriesProducts.Tables["Categories"].Rows.Find(Int32.Parse(t.rowId)); if ((t.layoutKey == null) && (dr != null)) { if (t.type == "row") { Category categoryRow = (Category)t.row; if (categoryRow.CategoryName != null) { dr["CategoryName"] = categoryRow.CategoryName; } if (categoryRow.Description != null){ dr["Description"] = categoryRow.Description; } } else if (t.type == "deleterow") { this.CategoriesProducts.Tables["Categories"].Rows.Remove(dr); } } } List<Transaction<Product>> productTransactions = m.LoadTransactions<Product>(HttpContext.Request.Form["ig_transactions"]); foreach (Transaction<Product> t in productTransactions) { DataRow dr = this.CategoriesProducts.Tables["Products"].Rows.Find(Int32.Parse(t.rowId)); if ((t.layoutKey == "Products") && (dr != null)) { if (t.type == "deleterow") { this.CategoriesProducts.Tables["Products"].Rows.Remove(dr); } else if (t.type == "row") { Product productRow = (Product)t.row; if (productRow.ProductName != null) { dr["ProductName"] = productRow.ProductName; } if (productRow.CategoryID != null) { dr["CategoryID"] = productRow.CategoryID; } if (productRow.UnitPrice != null) { dr["UnitPrice"] = productRow.UnitPrice; } if (productRow.UnitsInStock != null) { dr["UnitsInStock"] = productRow.UnitsInStock; } dr["Discontinued"] = productRow.Discontinued; } } } JsonResult result = new JsonResult(); Dictionary<string, bool> response = new Dictionary<string, bool>(); response.Add("Success", true); result.Data = response; return result; } [ActionName("load-on-demand")] public ActionResult DataSetWithLoadOnDemand() { GridModel grid = GridLoadOnDemandModel(); grid.ID = "gridLoadOnDemand"; grid.LoadOnDemand = true; grid.DataSourceUrl = this.Url.Action("BindParent"); grid.ColumnLayouts[0].DataSourceUrl = this.Url.Action("BindChild"); return View("load-on-demand", grid); } #region Grid Models private GridModel GetGridModel() { GridModel gridModel = new GridModel(); gridModel.ID = "gridModel"; gridModel.AutoGenerateColumns = false; gridModel.AutoGenerateLayouts = false; gridModel.PrimaryKey = "ID"; gridModel.LoadOnDemand = false; gridModel.Width = "100%"; gridModel.AutoFormat = GridAutoFormat.DateAndNumber; gridModel.Columns = new List<GridColumn>(); gridModel.Columns.Add(new GridColumn() { HeaderText = "Category ID", Key = "ID", DataType = "number", Width = "15%", Hidden = true }); gridModel.Columns.Add(new GridColumn() { HeaderText = "Category Name", Key = "CategoryName", DataType = "string", Width = "30%" }); gridModel.Columns.Add(new GridColumn() { HeaderText = "Description", Key = "Description", DataType = "string", Width = "40%" }); gridModel.Columns.Add(new GridColumn() { HeaderText = "Products Count", Key = "ProductCount", DataType = "number", Width = "15%" }); gridModel.DataSourceUrl = this.Url.Action("GetCategoriesData"); gridModel.DataSource = RepositoryFactory.GetCategoryRepository().Get().AsQueryable(); GridColumnLayoutModel productsModel = GetProductsLayout(); productsModel.AutoFormat = GridAutoFormat.DateAndNumber; gridModel.ColumnLayouts.Add(productsModel); gridModel.Features.Add(new GridFiltering() { Type = OpType.Remote, Inherit = true, Persist = false }); gridModel.Features.Add(new GridSorting() { Type = OpType.Remote, Inherit = true, Persist = false }); gridModel.Features.Add(new GridSummaries() { Type = OpType.Remote, Inherit = true }); gridModel.Features.Add(new GridPaging() { Type = OpType.Remote, Inherit = true , PageSize = 5}); gridModel.Features.Add(new GridResponsive() { EnableVerticalRendering = false, ColumnSettings = new List<ResponsiveColumnSetting>() { new ResponsiveColumnSetting() { ColumnKey = "ID", Classes = "ui-hidden-phone" }, new ResponsiveColumnSetting() { ColumnKey = "Description", Classes = "ui-hidden-phone" } } }); return gridModel; } private GridModel GridLoadOnDemandModel() { // Define the Categories layout GridModel grid = new GridModel(); grid.AutoGenerateLayouts = false; grid.AutoGenerateColumns = false; grid.PrimaryKey = "ID"; grid.Width = "100%"; grid.Columns.Add(new GridColumn() { HeaderText = "Category ID", Key = "ID", DataType = "number", Width = "0%", Hidden = true}); grid.Columns.Add(new GridColumn() { HeaderText = "Category Name", Key = "CategoryName", DataType = "string", Width = "30%" }); grid.Columns.Add(new GridColumn() { HeaderText = "Description", Key = "Description", DataType = "string", Width = "50%" }); grid.Columns.Add(new GridColumn() { HeaderText = "Products Count", Key = "ProductCount", DataType = "number", Width = "20%" }); // Define the Products layout GridColumnLayoutModel layout = new GridColumnLayoutModel(); layout.Key = "Products"; layout.ForeignKey = "CategoryID"; layout.PrimaryKey = "ID"; layout.AutoGenerateColumns = false; layout.Columns.Add(new GridColumn() { HeaderText = "Product ID", Key = "ID", DataType = "number", Width = "0%", Hidden = true }); layout.Columns.Add(new GridColumn() { HeaderText = "Category ID", Key = "CategoryID", DataType = "number",Width = "0%", Hidden = true}); layout.Columns.Add(new GridColumn() { HeaderText = "Product Name", Key = "ProductName", DataType = "string",Width = "40%"}); layout.Columns.Add(new GridColumn() { HeaderText = "Unit Price", Key = "UnitPrice", DataType = "number", Width = "30%" }); layout.Columns.Add(new GridColumn() { HeaderText = "Units In Stock", Key = "UnitsInStock", DataType = "number", Width = "30%" }); layout.Width = "100%"; grid.ColumnLayouts.Add(layout); GridPaging paging = new GridPaging(); paging.Type = OpType.Remote; paging.Inherit = true; paging.PageSize = 5; grid.Features.Add(paging); return grid; } #endregion // Grid Models #region Layouts private GridColumnLayoutModel GetProductsLayout() { GridColumnLayoutModel layout = new GridColumnLayoutModel(); layout.Key = "Products"; layout.PrimaryKey = "ID"; layout.ForeignKey = "CategoryID"; layout.Width = "100%"; layout.AutoGenerateColumns = false; //layout.AutofitLastColumn = false; layout.Columns = new List<GridColumn>(); layout.Columns.Add(new GridColumn() { HeaderText = "Product ID", Key = "ID", DataType = "number", Width = "15%" }); layout.Columns.Add(new GridColumn() { HeaderText = "Product Name", Key = "ProductName", DataType = "string", Width = "20%"}); layout.Columns.Add(new GridColumn() { HeaderText = "Unit Price", Key = "UnitPrice", DataType = "number", Width = "15%"}); layout.Columns.Add(new GridColumn() { HeaderText = "Units In Stock", Key = "UnitsInStock", DataType = "number", Width = "15%"}); layout.Columns.Add(new GridColumn() { HeaderText = "Category ID", Key = "CategoryID", DataType = "number", Width = "0%", Hidden = true }); layout.Columns.Add(new GridColumn() { HeaderText = "Discontinued", Key = "Discontinued", DataType = "bool", Width = "15%" }); layout.DataSourceUrl = this.Url.Action("GetProductsData"); layout.Features.Add(new GridResponsive() { EnableVerticalRendering = false, ColumnSettings = new List<ResponsiveColumnSetting>() { new ResponsiveColumnSetting() { ColumnKey = "ID", Classes = "ui-hidden-phone ui-hidden-tablet" }, new ResponsiveColumnSetting() { ColumnKey = "UnitsInStock", Classes = "ui-hidden-phone ui-hidden-tablet" }, new ResponsiveColumnSetting() { ColumnKey = "UnitPrice", Classes = "ui-hidden-phone ui-hidden-tablet" } } }); return layout; } #endregion // Layouts #region DataSourceUrls public JsonResult GetCategoriesData() { GridModel model = GetGridModel(); return model.GetData(); } public JsonResult GetProductsData(string path, string layout) { GridModel gridModel = GetGridModel(); gridModel.DataSource = RepositoryFactory.GetProductRepository().Get(); return gridModel.GetData(path, layout); } public JsonResult BindParent() { GridModel model = GridLoadOnDemandModel(); model.DataSource = RepositoryFactory.GetCategoryRepository().Get(); return model.GetData(); } public JsonResult BindChild(string path, string layout) { GridModel model = GridLoadOnDemandModel(); model.DataSource = RepositoryFactory.GetProductRepository().Get(); return model.GetData(path, layout); } #endregion // DataSourceUrls #region SampleData private DataSet CategoriesProducts { get { if (Session["CategoriesProducts"] == null) { Session["CategoriesProducts"] = GetCategoriesProductDataSet(); } return (DataSet)Session["CategoriesProducts"]; } } private DataSet GetCategoriesProductDataSet() { DataSet ds = new DataSet("CategoriesProductRecords"); // Get the tables to use in the DataSet DataTable categories = this.GetCategoriesDataTable(); DataTable products = this.GetProductsDataTable(); // Add the tables to the DataSet ds.Tables.Add(categories); ds.Tables.Add(products); // Create the relationship between the tables. ds.Relations.Add("CategoryProductRel", categories.Columns["ID"], products.Columns["CategoryID"]); return ds; } private DataTable GetCategoriesDataTable() { string connString = new NorthwindContext().Database.Connection.ConnectionString; string selectCategoriesStmt = "Select CategoryID as ID, CategoryName, Description from Categories"; SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(selectCategoriesStmt, connString); DataTable dtData = new DataTable("Categories"); da.Fill(dtData); dtData.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dtData.Columns["ID"] }; return dtData; } private DataTable GetProductsDataTable() { string connString = new NorthwindContext().Database.Connection.ConnectionString; string selectProductsStmt = "Select ProductID as ID, ProductName, CategoryID, UnitPrice, UnitsInStock, Discontinued from Products"; SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(selectProductsStmt, connString); DataTable dtData = new DataTable("Products"); da.Fill(dtData); dtData.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dtData.Columns["ID"] }; return dtData; } #endregion SampleData } }