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Bullet Graph - Label Settings
This sample demonstrates the supported label configurations of the igBulletGraph control.
This sample uses CTP (Community Technical Preview) features. The API and behavior may change when these features are released with full support.
Tech Industry Sale
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This sample demonstrates the supported label configurations of the igBulletGraph control.
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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title></title> <!-- Ignite UI for jQuery Required Combined CSS Files --> <link href="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2024.1/latest/css/themes/infragistics/infragistics.theme.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2024.1/latest/css/structure/infragistics.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/modernizr/modernizr-2.8.3.js"></script> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.1/jquery-ui.min.js"></script> <!-- Ignite UI for jQuery Required Combined JavaScript Files --> <script src="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2024.1/latest/js/infragistics.core.js"></script> <script src="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2024.1/latest/js/infragistics.dv.js"></script> </head> <body> <div style="min-height: 80px"> <h3>Tech Industry Sale</h3> </div> <br /> <div style="height: 150px"> <div style="width: 30%;"> Hardware </div> <div style="width: 70%" id="bulletgraph"> </div> </div> <br /> <div style="height: 150px"> <div style="width: 30%"> Software </div> <div style="width: 70%" id="bulletgraph2"> </div> </div> <br /> <div style="height: 150px"> <div style="width: 30%"> Services </div> <div style="width: 70%" id="bulletgraph3"> </div> </div> <br /> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { /*----------------- Instantiation -------------------------*/ var $bulletGraph = $("#bulletgraph"); $bulletGraph.igBulletGraph({ height: "80px", width: "100%", interval: 15000000, //// Gets or sets the interval to use for rendering labels. This defaults to be the same interval as the tickmarks on the scale. //labelInterval: 25000, //// A value to start adding labels, added to the scale's MinimumValue. //labelsPostInitial: 5000, //// A value to stop adding labels, subtracted from the scale's MaximumValue. //labelsPreTerminal: 4000, //// Gets or sets the brush to use for the label font. fontBrush: "#164F6D", formatLabel: function (evt, ui) { ui.label = "$" + ui.label; if (ui.value != 90000000) { var re = /000$/; ui.label = ui.label.replace(re, " K"); } }, alignLabel: function (evt, ui) { // center the just the number part according to its tick, instead of centering the whole label if (ui.value == 90000000) { ui.offsetX += 20; } }, ranges: [ { name: 'range1', startValue: 0, endValue: 45000000, brush: '#164F6D' }, { name: 'range2', startValue: 45000000, endValue: 60000000, brush: '#20789F' }, { name: 'range3', startValue: 60000000, endValue: 100000000, brush: '#36A5D5' } ], maximumValue: 100000000, targetValue: 75000000, value: 73000000, transitionDuration: 500, valueBrush: "white", valueOutline: "white", targetValueBrush: "white", targetValueOutline: "white" }); var $bulletGraph2 = $("#bulletgraph2"); $bulletGraph2.igBulletGraph({ height: "80px", width: "100%", interval: 15000000, // Gets or sets the interval to use for rendering labels. This defaults to be the same interval as the tickmarks on the scale. labelInterval: 25000000, // A value to start adding labels, added to the scale's MinimumValue. labelsPostInitial: 5000000, // A value to stop adding labels, subtracted from the scale's MaximumValue. labelsPreTerminal: 4000000, //// Gets or sets the brush to use for the label font. //fontBrush: "aqua", font: "14px Georgia", fontBrush: "white", labelExtent: .38, formatLabel: function (evt, ui) { ui.label = "$" + ui.label; }, ranges: [ { name: 'range1', startValue: 0, endValue: 55000000, brush: '#4D1276' }, { name: 'range2', startValue: 55000000, endValue: 80000000, brush: '#702E9E' }, { name: 'range3', startValue: 80000000, endValue: 100000000, brush: '#A276C1' } ], maximumValue: 100000000, targetValue: 74000000, value: 70000000, transitionDuration: 500, valueBrush: "white", valueOutline: "white", targetValueBrush: "white", targetValueOutline: "white" }); var $bulletGraph3 = $("#bulletgraph3"); $bulletGraph3.igBulletGraph({ height: "80px", width: "100%", interval: 5000000, // Gets or sets the interval to use for rendering labels. This defaults to be the same interval as the tickmarks on the scale. labelInterval: 20000000, // A value to start adding labels, added to the scale's MinimumValue. labelsPostInitial: 5000000, // A value to stop adding labels, subtracted from the scale's MaximumValue. labelsPreTerminal: 4000000, // Gets or sets the brush to use for the label font. fontBrush: "white", font: "14px Arial", labelExtent: .38, formatLabel: function (evt, ui) { ui.label = "$" + ui.label; if (ui.value != 45000000) { var re = /000$/; ui.label = ui.label.replace(re, "K"); } }, alignLabel: function (evt, ui) { // center the just the number part according to its tick, instead of centering the whole label if (ui.value == 45000000) { ui.offsetX += 20; } }, ranges: [ { name: 'range1', startValue: 0, endValue: 25000000, brush: '#454545' }, { name: 'range2', startValue: 25000000, endValue: 30000000, brush: '#5F5F5F' }, { name: 'range3', startValue: 30000000, endValue: 50000000, brush: '#969696' } ], maximumValue: 50000000, targetValue: 40000000, value: 38000000, transitionDuration: 500, valueBrush: "white", valueOutline: "white", targetValueBrush: "white", targetValueOutline: "white" }); }); </script> </body> </html>