Available in the OSS Version

Data Source - Overview

This sample demonstrates how to bind the igDataSource component to local JSON format.
Name Age
John Smith45
Mary Johnson32
Bob Ferguson27

This sample is designed for a larger screen size.

On mobile, try rotating your screen, view full size, or email to another device.

The igDataSource component is the standard Ignite UI for jQuery component for binding to various kinds and sources of data. It serves as an intermediate layer between the data-bound controls like igGrid and the actual data, which can be either local (e.g. JSON, XML, JavaScript Array, etc.) or remote (OData, REST services, WCF services, etc.). Paging, filtering, and sorting are supported, too. See the complete list of samples in the menu.

Code View

Copy to Clipboard
var data = [
    { "Name": "John Smith", "Age": 45 },
    { "Name": "Mary Johnson", "Age": 32 },
    { "Name": "Bob Ferguson", "Age": 27 }

// Renders the table
var renderTable = function (success, error) {
    var template = "<tr><td>${Name}</td><td>${Age}</td></tr>";
    if (success) {
        $("#table tbody").empty();
        $($.ig.tmpl(template, ds.dataView())).appendTo("#table tbody");
    } else {

//This code creates an $.ig.DataSource from JSON data
var ds = new $.ig.DataSource({
    type: "json",
    dataSource: data,
    callback: renderTable

// Binds to the underlying data